
6 people dead in stabbings!

Not sure what you mean by that, but I was saying to my wife that it's strange how they are avoiding naming the attacker and that news media sites have clearly lightened the pictures of him taken from social media to give his a lighter skin appearance.
I even said that if someone was to offer me $1m to guess his name the name I would offer would be Mohammed.
I could be wrong but it seems that they are trying to distance him from this certain ethnicity as being the cause and given he didn't use a gun so they can't roll out anti gun narrative, they will establish the usual mental health issues made worse by online hate (most likely right wing) and use it to push more anti online freedom bills
way to share your biases mate
Time and time again you prove to be a racist moron
My opinion is that this will see an authoritarian crack down on people like you and me. People who oppose government mandates or actions and have the temerity to voice these opinions online.

That's the most likely outcome. The end of any remaining free speech.
How do all the “Aussies” in here who jumped to Muslim/jew identity politics feel now that it was confirmed to be a middle age white man?

And why are you in any way surprised when it is in fact that demographic “Middle Age men” who have been targeted by modernity.

If you can’t get over your midwit racist biases, you are not going to make it when shit hits the fan in this country. You will have no community to lean on and no one at your side on the barricades.
way to share your biases mate
Time and time again you prove to be a racist moron
"Racist moron"? Islam is not a race mate.
Sad that you have to reduce your self to personal insults.
I will admit to having biases, these have formed over years of experience. I am sure you have some to, pattern recognition is what forms biases and has helped humans survive for years.
And why are you in any way surprised when it is in fact that demographic “Middle Age men” who have been targeted by modernity.
Because there is no ideological system that is both encouraging them to enact violence against a perceived enemy (kafir) through a righteous struggle for said belief system (jihad) and reward for doing so ( martyrdom and 50 virgin's etc) driving him to act in the despicable way he did.
He will rot in hell for his actions, but they are not the result of any other religious organisation egging him on to commit this vile act.
There is only 1 religious organisation that does this
Because there is no ideological system that is both encouraging them to enact violence against a perceived enemy (kafir) through a righteous struggle for said belief system (jihad) and reward for doing so ( martyrdom and 50 virgin's etc) driving him to act in the despicable way he did.
He will rot in hell for his actions, but they are not the result of any other religious organisation egging him on to commit this vile act.
There is only 1 religious organisation that does thi

Because there is no ideological system that is both encouraging them to enact violence against a perceived enemy (kafir) through a righteous struggle for said belief system (jihad) and reward for doing so ( martyrdom and 50 virgin's etc) driving him to act in the despicable way he did.
He will rot in hell for his actions, but they are not the result of any other religious organisation egging him on to commit this vile act.
There is only 1 religious organisation that does this
Pure dog whistling. Are you sure you aren’t an employee of main stream media? You’d fit right in on Sky News.
Of the victims were two Muslim security guards, one who sadly died, that were doing their duty and confronted the attacker. Both here on student visas with no family locally.
Pure dog whistling. Are you sure you aren’t an employee of main stream media? You’d fit right in on Sky News.
again with the use of terminology designed to shut down dissenting voices.
instead of providing a response dealing with the points raised you use the term "dog whistling"
generally thats because you cant provide an opposing opinion with the abundance of evidence that i am correct
so instead you attack the person, not the argument
Of the victims were two Muslim security guards, one who sadly died, that were doing their duty and confronted the attacker. Both here on student visas with no family locally.
yes, i never said all Muslims are terrorist, nor did i imply it. what i implied is that a majority of terror attacks are carried out and justified by Islamic organizations ie the people in power, religious leaders etc to the point that when a terrorist attack is carried out by an ideologically inspired attacker its a good guess its an Islamic inspired attack
now if you wish to respond, try to avoid labeling me with a phrase designed to shut down opposition ie "racist" and deal with the legitimate points i raise, that concern many people and are a direct result of the constant attacks world wide by this supposed religion of peace
again with the use of terminology designed to shut down dissenting voices.
instead of providing a response dealing with the points raised you use the term "dog whistling"
generally thats because you cant provide an opposing opinion with the abundance of evidence that i am correct
so instead you attack the person, not the argument

yes, i never said all Muslims are terrorist, nor did i imply it. what i implied is that a majority of terror attacks are carried out and justified by Islamic organizations ie the people in power, religious leaders etc to the point that when a terrorist attack is carried out by an ideologically inspired attacker its a good guess its an Islamic inspired attack
now if you wish to respond, try to avoid labeling me with a phrase designed to shut down opposition ie "racist" and deal with the legitimate points i raise, that concern many people and are a direct result of the constant attacks world wide by this supposed religion of peace
The biggest promoters of terrorism are states. Not religions. Your enemy is not your fellow neighbour Muslim, Jew or Christian. It is the misanthropic billionaire class of rich old white men who see you as a useless oxygen consuming slaves. Until you understand that there is no point discussing anything else.
is there a motive? or random stabbing testing the shrpness of the blade

The daughter of millionaire businessman John Singleton OAM was also been named as one of the victims on Sunday.
Dawn Singleton, 25, was at the shopping centre when she was stabbed to death by attacker Joel Cauchi.
The biggest promoters of terrorism are states. Not religions. Your enemy is not your fellow neighbour Muslim, Jew or Christian. It is the misanthropic billionaire class of rich old white men who see you as a useless oxygen consuming slaves. Until you understand that there is no point discussing anything else.
my enemy is any person who intends to inflict themselves upon me with force in contravention of my autonomy.
your comment about billionaire class of rich old white men is neglecting the many non white men who are billionaires with he same opinion which implies that race is the issue, not an underlying belief system. thats racisim btw
note how many non white men are on this list, are you implying only the white billionaires are bad?
but i do agree that their is a cabal of power mongers who see us as useless eaters and would do away with us if they could.
just as their is religion's that seeks to spread world wide through the effective use of violence and terror weaponizing society against anyone who resists and crushing them for voicing an opinion against them
that i have a problem with
my Iranian neighbors are not the problem. (yes ali next door prefers to be called persian btw) but the people in power in islam, telling its people to martyr themselves to spread the cause, thats the problem and it is a real problem
is there a motive? or random stabbing testing the shrpness of the blade

The daughter of millionaire businessman John Singleton OAM was also been named as one of the victims on Sunday.
Dawn Singleton, 25, was at the shopping centre when she was stabbed to death by attacker Joel Cauchi.
they will find a motive that they can weaponize against normal people ie online hate speech so lets give government more control
having said that a guy does not suddenly attack and kill people the way he did in a vacuum, there has to be something that whipped him into the frenzy necessary to overcome his primal urge to not kill his own species, it has been proven that humans are not built to do this out of the box so to speak and require conditioning to engage in this level of murderous activity. except a tiny minority who have been born this way, we call them psychopaths
my enemy is any person who intends to inflict themselves upon me with force in contravention of my autonomy.
your comment about billionaire class of rich old white men is neglecting the many non white men who are billionaires with he same opinion which implies that race is the issue, not an underlying belief system. thats racisim btw
note how many non white men are on this list, are you implying only the white billionaires are bad?
but i do agree that their is a cabal of power mongers who see us as useless eaters and would do away with us if they could.
just as their is religion's that seeks to spread world wide through the effective use of violence and terror weaponizing society against anyone who resists and crushing them for voicing an opinion against them
that i have a problem with
my Iranian neighbors are not the problem. (yes ali next door prefers to be called persian btw) but the people in power in islam, telling its people to martyr themselves to spread the cause, thats the problem and it is a real problem
Who are the people in power in Islam?
It's not exactly a giant leap for people to assume this was a Muslim, over the last few years Muslims and knife attacks have become synonymous with each other.
Sure, this time it wasn't. Literally every other time it has been.
It's not racist to assume it was a Muslim.
Especially since they delayed releasing the nae.
There's some suggesting it could be a hoax:

I thought the same thing about the lack of blood on them. They said the baby was stabbed and the mother threw the baby to them. You'd expect some blood be on their shirt and arms if that were the case. But if the baby wasn't being held and they used shirts to compress the wound, then maybe no transfer of blood would've occurred?
It's not exactly a giant leap for people to assume this was a Muslim, over the last few years Muslims and knife attacks have become synonymous with each other.
Sure, this time it wasn't. Literally every other time it has been.
It's not racist to assume it was a Muslim.
Especially since they delayed releasing the nae.
“Literally every other time”
Just another dog whistle