
Daily Dose of WTF?

^^^ The whole Western world with no comments. What a pathetic bunch of slipper lickers these pricks are.
Have a listen to that bloke from Perth that got three years in their holding yards, unit8200 channel on Rumble platform. He has something to say. Ryan from tlav prob has something to say. Just discount the cfr journos. They are all one, and they are complicit and benefiting. Dont expect them to say a thing that is true.
Love it. Thats exactly the kind of pet a mercinary should have, save the poodles and convertibles for after they retire.
Have you seen the trending "women would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man" BS? The Russian's take it a step further
True story !!!
When John Lennon met Yoko Ono in 1966, he fell head over heels in love.
He dropped his first wife, Cynthia, like a hot potato.
He had an affair and married Yoko in early 1969.
He gave his ex only a stipend as a divorce settlement, although he knew Cynthia was going to have to support and raise their son, Julian, who was then just five years old.
After a few years, Cynthia was soon almost flat broke, she knew she would have to get some money together in order for she and Julian to survive.
She made a necessary decision, she would sell the love letters and drawings John had given her when they were a young couple, in love, in their teens.
The letters were very passionate, filled with “I love you, Cyn” quotes.
You can imagine how much it must have hurt Cynthia to have to part with these priceless keepsakes.
Cynthia sold them for a large amount.
The buyer was Paul McCartney.
Paul had paid a small fortune for the mementoes.
A few days later, Cynthia received all the letters and drawings in the mail, now all neatly framed.
They came with a note.
The note read: “Never sell your memories. Love, Paul McCartney”.
Cheapo Paris Olympic medals already deterioratingUS skateboarder Nyjah Huston criticized the quality of his Olympic bronze medal after it started deteriorating just a week after winning it. He showed the chipped and discolored medal on Instagram, attributing the damage to sweat and handling. Huston, a seasoned athlete with multiple X Games and World Championship medals, also expressed disappointment in the medal's durability.The Paris Mint made just over 5,000 medals in total, with 2,600 for the Olympics and 2,400 for the Paralympics. Each weighs around 530g and was designed by the luxury brand Chaumet, which provides a dark blue box to try and preserve their medal.
As he is a new member with no trading history, I suggest he offers payment upon delivery.