
Daily Dose of WTF?

EV is scared of cold and the batteries life got half in scrazy weather leaving drivers stranded. They could be good in the tropics to drive, but when it burn, water use is like pouring gasoline to a burning vehicle.
So what's the deal with speed limits in Iceland and Australia? These countries have landscapes that stretch to infinity, and speed limits that make you feel like you're stuck there! It's like they misplaced a decimal point when setting the limit.

In Iceland, you've got all this otherworldly terrain - volcanoes, glaciers, fjords - and they expect you to drive through it at what, 90 km/h? That's like 55 mph! I saw a guy on a skateboard outrunning cars while fleeing from an erupting volcano once! Can you believe it? A skateboard! Moving faster than traffic!

And don't even get me started on Australia. You've got this continent-sized country, miles, and miles of nothing but red dirt and kangaroos, and they're telling you to go 110 km/h tops? That's about 68 mph! What are they afraid of? That you'll run over a koala? Those things sleep 20 hours a day - they're not exactly darting across the highway!

It's like these countries are in a competition to see who can make driving the most mind-numbingly boring experience possible. The most annoying part - the GPS continuously asking if you're still alive! "Hello. Are you still driving? Are you alive? I'm not sure. It doesn't feel like we're moving."
And the speed cameras! My god, they've got these things everywhere, like some kind of automotive paparazzi! Some of them have as little as a 3 km/h tolerance. That's 1.86 mph people! You could get a ticket for sneezing too aggressively!

I mean, who are these people implementing this anyway? Do they own cars? Do they drive themselves, or are they chauffeured? Are they even human? I'm starting to think we're governed by lizard people—nothing makes sense anymore.

Nevertheless, if you've got to hit the open road just remember: in Iceland and Australia, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. A very, very, very long journey. So long that continental drift starts to look like a drag race!

Having done a k or two on gravel myself, this part doesn't quite ring true:

And don't even get me started on Australia. You've got this continent-sized country, miles, and miles of nothing but red dirt and kangaroos, and they're telling you to go 110 km/h tops? That's about 68 mph! What are they afraid of? That you'll run over a koala? Those things sleep 20 hours a day - they're not exactly darting across the highway!

In that at certain times of day, impact with a kangaroo is a clear and present danger.

But certainly there are some long straight stretches with no bush at the edge, that could be done faster.
Yeah totally what i was thinking. Roos, cows, camels etc... However speed limits will gradually become preposterously slow and regulated as peoples ability to be autonomous is under threat from the banking technate that pushes the religious dogma that is 'climate change' , more specifically that destruction of the earth (and the middle classes) is not from their human sacrifice ritual of militarism with no territorial gains, but that the weather gods blame the punter in his holden colorado. Hence these mithraic chambers for driverless light rail going up under your feet. A fkn open air prison on your tab.
its the assasin's equipments, plan to kill the Pope, during his visit...but got caught. :ninja: