
Daily Dose of WTF?

Japan Breeds Genetically-Modified Pigs For Human TransplantsA team of scientists have successfully bred the first three genetically-modified pigs specifically intended for human organ transplants, they said Tuesday, although the safety for full human procedures still needs to be verified for safety.The pigs were born Sunday using cells supplied by a US company altered to not reject human bodies, and once they have been confirmed to be growing normally will be sent to medical centers in Japan for research into organ donations to other animals such as monkeys.
Corrupting the image of the Creator (humans) with an unclean animal.

2 Corinthians 6:17-18 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)

Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”
the lie, Saddam weapons of mass destructions
it was just year 2003+, millions of dead people beliving such a narratives

its always the other people that being deceived

Adam responded, the woman you put here said its ok to eat the fruit
US Census Wants To Ask Questions About Sexuality And Gender IdentityThe US Census Bureau is debating asking 480,000 households to answer questions about their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Western countries received a positive opinion from lawyers to seize Russian assets and transfer them to Ukraine.Bloomberg reports this concerning the result of a legal review prepared for the G7 countries.The lawyers cited the fact that Russia allegedly violated “fundamental principles of international law.”
As compensation for damage resulting directly from Russia's illegal actions, additional countermeasures may be taken against the country. States where frozen Russian assets are located are recommended to transfer the funds to an international mechanism under their jurisdiction. This mechanism should deposit the money and then transfer it to Ukraine,
- says the expert report. It was prepared by lawyers from Japan, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, the USA and the UK.The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said at the Munich Security Conference that this money could be used for weapons for Ukraine.

based on a + opinion to steal, just like a thief that got the keeper (cat/dog/bird) permission to enter your hse
Dick Hyland and Ray Campbell after a fight in 1913. It lasted 110 rounds, 7 hr 19 min (9:15 p.m.-4:34 a.m.), and was declared a no contest (later changed to a draw).

The longest fight in history captured the attention and admiration of boxing enthusiasts worldwide with its unprecedented display of endurance and determination. Lasting for an incredible 110 rounds over seven hours and 19 minutes, this battle of wills tested the physical and mental limits of both fighters. The sheer craziness and unbelievable stamina exhibited during the match left spectators in awe, with some even succumbing to sleep from the sheer exhaustion of witnessing such a remarkable display of sportsmanship. This extraordinary event will undoubtedly live on in the book of boxing history.

Throughout Friday, all German departments and ministries remained stubbornly silent in response to requests for comment concerning a leaked conversation between German officers discussing a possible attack on the Crimean Bridge, although in other circumstances this news should have had the effect of a bomb exploding, the Berliner Zeitung writes.
“There are events where a political interpretation appears almost simultaneously with the event, sometimes even earlier. And there are events that, it would seem, should have the effect of a bomb exploding, but then nothing happens for hours,” it argues.
After the publication of the officers’ recordings, journalists sent dozens of requests for comment to the Foreign Ministry, the Bundeswehr, the Ministry of Defense and a number of “hawks” from German politics, such as the head of the Bundestag Defense Committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP).“The only statement we received was made by Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the Bundestag and a member of the Wagenknecht group,” reports the Berliner Zeitung. In this response, a deputy from the SSV (Sarah Wagenknecht Union - For Reason and Justice) party, which criticizes the supply of arms to Ukraine, called for transparency in the issue of the published recording.
US sends out-of-date rations as Gaza 'aid' Unverified footage taken from social media shows a man revealing expired apple sauce and tabasco from expired US army rations reportedly found in the aid bundle dropped into Gaza, and claiming the food is not halal.
US sends out-of-date rations as Gaza 'aid' Unverified footage taken from social media shows a man revealing expired apple sauce and tabasco from expired US army rations reportedly found in the aid bundle dropped into Gaza, and claiming the food is not halal.
Lmao choosy beggers
I lived on expired food all my life trying to save $$$ . If I was desperate for food I certainly would not care. Much less "halal" killed
uncle Sam is too terribly broke, someone should say don't drop your junk here ;)
the wasted food must be taken out from their surrounding bases
Taiwan got a lot of second hand weapons too from Sam when paying for new
The Americans killed people with humanitarian aid.

They dropped a cargo of food into Gaza, and the parachute of some containers did not open. As a result, five people died, and 10 more were injured.