
Silver Price Watch

Its just too obvious, someone took bribe money for this plan to let the gold out their doors
How West’s mainstream media got it all wrong about gold The Western mainstream media’s hype about gold losing its status as a safe haven appears to have fallen flat. A cascade of ‘doomsday’ MSM headlines two years ago had pushed the narrative that ‘stronger dollars’ were eating away at the yellow bullion's 'safety' luster. Suffice it to recall the headline that the Wall Street Journal’s ‘market and finance’ page of its print edition ran with on September 20, 2022, that read, ‘Gold loses status as safe haven.’ Fast forward to today and the same WSJ is unabashedly trumpeting that ‘gold prices are setting new records.’ Here’s what is REALLY happening with gold: The price of Spot Gold soared to a new record high on August 16, topping $2,500 an ounce, and surpassing the previous all-time high set in July. Global gold reserves increased by 228 tons in the first quarter of 2024, breaking the previous record set in 2013, according to a report by the World Gold Council (WGC). Global Central Banks doubled their gold purchases for reserves at the start of 2024. Central banks’ holdings of dollar-denominated assets reached a historic low amid Washington’s weaponization of the greenback. Dollar and US Treasury-denominated foreign reserves hit 58.9 percent in 2024, down from about 70 percent two decades ago, per a spring report cited by Japanese financial newspaper Nikkei. As part of the drive towards dedollarization, discussions about a BRICS payment instrument have reached an advanced stage. Forty percent of the value of the ‘BRICS Unit’ will be pegged to gold (by weight) while 60% - based on a basket of BRICS currencies.The Unit will have two value components, and, by attaching a commodity to the value, it will not be a fiat currency like the dollar. Boost us! | Subscribe to @geopolitics_live
Do markets close breifly overnight? Seemed to be on a bit of a tear and then presently a completely flat spot for last 30+ mins which is impossible unless its closed?
Heres to 31 on Thurs.
It needs to bust through a 29.70 resistance first created from the cascade drop that the wallstreet whores mastered, and then retest it as a support before 31. It's been a wonderful drive forward so fingers crossed we can smash through 32 this time.

^^^ yes as expected rejecting 29.70. But The candles do indicate a push forward in the SP in near future.
Off topic sorry. Hey Oz do you think you could with your knowledge do a limited mintage of a "Skippy the kangaroo " round?
It seems that DJI is looking for new highs, on rate tax cuts pressure, and the DXY has tanked, looking for a graveyard to bury itself as US debt kills its citizens doing drugs! That yankee lust for war will consume it to civil war itself very soon if the right leaders don't step in and save the shithole. The USD will take it's place as a worthless currency just like all past forms of world currencies have ;) don't be holding the bag when Wall Street whores go down. Silver and gold onwards and upwards making new highs and new higher lows is all that matters to wealth. Lookout the new world order is flushed.
I was honestly expecting to wake up to sub $27 silver so nice to see its still going sideways as i cant afford to buy anything. If the u.s dollar is collapsing due to efforts of a new world order then all currencies globally will lose value also, and commodities that might bolster the 'borgeouis capitalists' such as silver will be deemed worthless and dedicated to the single office single factory (bunnings anyone?) industrial requirements. Holding a bag of silver (if you first bury it) will only have your mind controlled soviet destroy you. Remember Klaus Schwab has a bust of Lenin on his book shelf and everything in the cyber realm is being harvested and controlled by a very small state of psychopathic bloodthirsty bolshevics, including this. Not in a dystopian future but right now. Our country is 3d printing concrete bunkers for a new standing army that will be complicit and obedient with the socialist new green deal, no-one will remember the past let alone know what personal wealth via precious metals is, and if you attempt to barter with them or trade there will be no digital means available without punishment and taxes from the state. According to the manufactured class resentments broadcast into their maleable putty brains, we are the pirates for caring about our future. There is an enemy on the shore. Jervis Bay to be exact....Now i need to find someone that will do eggs and honey for silver. Before our bank simps in canbra incinerate both those things.
Remember those Coca-Cola yoyos at school? Fat fingers hold the string the rest of what's in between is just spinning round and round waiting for some trick to happen.