
Silver Price Watch

AUD POS is very shy of that $51. It has tried a few times but has failed 😕 it's like being in the twilight zone.
POS is in unknown territory at the moment! Will it make a big break out like we have never seen before? It is now a Strategic metal rather than a precious one. One that the whole world needs for EV ... come on bring it.
I think it's going to take a bit of time for the markets to work out the current monkey wrenches.
I think it's going to take a bit of time for the markets to work out the current monkey wrenches.
Yep absolutely. I was thinking that same way today. Silver can be very volatile and controlled like a dog on a lead. Markets are forward-looking, with silver testing new ground and deeper waters than usual in AUD its interesting watching the outcome
Its 2025, the year that has been talked up for hot action for two decades. June/July? Back down by december with a higher floor? Prices should go mental when the folks that brought you clotshot warpspeed decide they are ready to kill some poor people on the other side of the world while oddly maintaining industrial, technological and financial relations behind the scenes...anyhow. A few months should see a breif explosion.
They'll probably concede a few dollars over several months but the big win is going to be when the mines in Mexico start depleting and take 15% of global mine supply off the table. That will add another 100 Mozs to the already huge deficits, and then it's just a matter of time before the reserves dry up and the clock slowly ticks towards midnight.

I call for a triple digit Silveroos meet up when the time comes.
In a previous message, I charted a pivot point for predicting the path of silver metal. Although it created a double bottom below that trajectory, it was still relatively accurate as a prediction. Since then, market volatility has driven silver to new highs in AUD, and the metal's price has rebounded into its long-term uptrend on the USD chart. I believe the powers that be may have lost control of silver, and it seems poised for a big breakout.
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As always I try to think outside the box about how markets perceive commodities and where they play their part in our ever-evolving future, I also so feel that silver is on the cusp of a super cycle that no market can control its price.
As always I try to think outside the box about how markets perceive commodities and where they play their part in our ever-evolving future, I also so feel that silver is on the cusp of a super cycle that no market can control its price.

I reckon, (in one of the most managed markets there is) for that to be true it will need to be driven by physical supply and demand fundamentals. For as long as there's a means and intention to control the market, the market will be controlled. Their power literally rests on their ability to meet the physical deficits with supply.,
I understand your emphasis on supply and demand. Silver is now a crucial component of renewable energy; it is considered a strategic metal. The significant shortages may surprise the markets, and a super cycle is on the horizon. Deficits will blow stackers' minds when pos gives
I understand your emphasis on supply and demand. Silver is now a crucial component of renewable energy; it is considered a strategic metal. The significant shortages may surprise the markets, and a super cycle is on the horizon. Deficits will blow stackers' minds when pos gives

I just wish we knew how much silver they have available for their cause. Being analytical it bothers me there's an unknown X factor that prevents me from making a calculated determination.
If pos can break that 32.55 ceiling and maintain it as support a major breakout could occur. I can feel it ... so bring it
I posted vault totals for the end of December 2024 and included a new source that lists and totals a multitude of ETFs holdings in the LBMA:

I've updated the numbers through the end of January:
