POS dumps after consecutive years of the largest physical deficits we've seen, and Bitcoin is worth 35 Oz's of Gold 
What kind of backwards world are we living in? The irony that you need silver to mine Bitcoin, and we need Bitcoin for.... Gambling. Just think of the inflows needed to get Bitcoin to the price it is now. The market cap is 1.7 trillion USD. Thats around 70 years of annual Silver mine supply right there, or 56 Billion Oz's of Silver.

What kind of backwards world are we living in? The irony that you need silver to mine Bitcoin, and we need Bitcoin for.... Gambling. Just think of the inflows needed to get Bitcoin to the price it is now. The market cap is 1.7 trillion USD. Thats around 70 years of annual Silver mine supply right there, or 56 Billion Oz's of Silver.