
Silver Price Watch

Whoah....proper friday night crush. Can someone educate me in laymans terms about what happens in those final few moments of thrle week that the prices get taken down. It doesnt have to be in disparaging terms but what am i looking at? How does speculation enact a very distinct and coordinated control over price and why at the last hours of a Friday. What is the purpose?
Whoah....proper friday night crush. Can someone educate me in laymans terms about what happens in those final few moments of thrle week that the prices get taken down. It doesnt have to be in disparaging terms but what am i looking at? How does speculation enact a very distinct and coordinated control over price and why at the last hours of a Friday. What is the purpose?
Yes, the Friday night smack downs are common place for many a year with silver. Trade it ;)
My guess with silver is its a strategic metal for weapons manufacturing and the wallstreet whores needs to suppress its price to keep weapon manufacturing profitable (on) paper. But, all that is happening is a massive shortsqeeze on the physical silver platform that when it pops those whores will go home with butt plugs up their asses. Just my short assement of what those whores are doing
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Frontier Americans are famous for telling lies. A phrase from
Sitting Bull a famous North American Indian chief from memory said these yellow hair assuming white hair soldiers tuning to grey speak with folk tongue! Lies. Imagine that! promising one thing but farking you over doing the whores job. Wallstreet is all over it the same. Filthy pigs.
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The American people got screwed... scamed by their own leaders telling lies again as they are famous for.
temporarily meaning already more than 50 years and counting... Nixon has his days, now long dead!

when Chinese used single digit on the British 九九年, they thought it was forever
九九年 literally means year of 1999, but 9 9 year. so it was time to return back in 1997 after 99 years as was written on the documents.
And why friday?

A lot of small traders exit their trades on Friday. Big commercial shorts usually hold their trades. When there's more sellers then buyers, the price will go down. It's not like the commercial shorts need to add to their position, they just need to hold their short positions as the retail investors exit their long (buy) trades on Friday.
If you look at the monthly charts, you can see the previous price movements are all part of a normal monthly correction. Charts are still bullish but we have room for it to go lower before we resume the trend.

It needs to crack the 32 and then test it. Only then is it possible for it to go anywhere. One can only hope. :)