
Silver Price Watch

Most of them are tiny. The mine life would be less than a few years. I'll try dig up an infographic map I've seen showing all the known deposits.

Here it is. All the largest deposits already have a mine on them:

View attachment 12299

To give context to scale: 500 tonnes is 16 Million Oz's. Most smaller mines will produce 10 million Oz's a year. Larger mines will produce 40+ Million.
Cannington and s32 had decent mine but reserves possibly running low and bhp and olympic, slv-silver mines desposit been doing shit all for years but they have large area in nsw i believe
This would be an ideal bounce off $30 USD and the moving average on the daily charts.

What I find funny is I had a mate call me up today (who owns no silver) screaming how he just looked at the charts and silver is about to break out 😂 asking me how does go about getting in on it haha. His timing was impeccable because these are the exact indicators you want to be looking for to enter the market. But it's not the first time silvers performance has failed to meet expectations. A close below $30 would be devastating.

Well we have a raised dancefloor! Stkr's passion leaves me actually caring about pos! If it still settles over 30 next sat. coffee then i might even buy something.
I don't like the look of this on the weekly charts. Although not impossible, it's very uncommon to have a weekly candle without any tail or wick. It suggests we'll be going lower before we go higher.
Markets are closed in the USA today for Memorial Day holiday. The action is all on you, Europe and China today.
I'm reading my weekly chart differently to you! I have my eyes glued to the last candle as it forms for confirmation ( bullish ) for the PoS. Short term hourly charts to me are bullish, and will trade it accordingly.


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Markets are closed in the USA today for Memorial Day holiday. The action is all on you, Europe and China today.

The Comex is definitely operating.

Oh - haha. I forgot about the time and difference. I assume it's going to close within the next couple of hours then.
I'm reading my weekly chart differently to you! I have my eyes glued to the last candle as it forms for confirmation ( bullish ) for the PoS. Short term hourly charts to me are bullish, and will trade it accordingly.

That's doesn't appear to be the live XAGUSD chart. Even the trading view chart mimics the one I'm looking at. Which platform are you viewing this from?

I am live that's for sure 😉 my chart format is totally different to yours.


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Do we get another stab at $32 tonight? It sure is looking like it. PoS just keeps on giving at the moment
Today.. .Tomorrow...

I recall back in the day on SS when we celebrated kilos breaking through $1000. This was after years of them being in the $600-$700 range. Now I look forward to when we break through $2000!

Great information in this one. @pmbug Andy speaks on things we've previously discussed, so this video may interest you.

I missed this last week:

Explains silver's apparent weakness this week. Speed bump in the road.