

There is no military or police in that diagram. The crucial crushers of a people standing. They can pretend they arent but it is always statist authorities weilding violence that are the goon sqaud for those that crush the earth into go...oh...wait....we are stackers. I cant criticise the artifice of currency and that old mesopotamian obsession with metalurgy. Too hypocritical. I am part of the problem.
Capitalism doesn't work because too few people own almost all the stuff, nowhere for people who like to own stuff
While the gutter trash get Cheornaya, or in other full blown communist states like British Columbia or California (and every city in between) Fentanyl. I am not especially young but i have never witnessed capitalism in the soviet of Australia, and infact have worked within a powerful communist technate cult and let me tell you, their future of distributism is earning then trillions while they whip up the poor into revolt. Any ways...QOTD

Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.
Frank Zappa

And he should know. He never (((overdosed))) so he didnt go too hard on them. Or didnt reach the level of mass influence ...
^^^ Because governments want to control you as a slave. And that is it.
Bad boy as I am I spred seeds of the best kind all over places where I live . Fuccck govmin