
Is It Time to Get Bullish on Platinum?


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Is now a good time to get bullish on platinum?


I’ve written a lot about the fact that silver appears to be underpriced given both technical factors and the supply and demand dynamics.

Platinum may be even more undervalued.

The current platinum price is hovering around $1,000 an ounce. To put that into perspective, platinum hit an all-time high of $2,213 an ounce in March 2008. This was higher than the record price gold hit in 2011.

One of the factors driving that 2008 record was a severe supply shortage due to a power crisis and labor strikes in South Africa, the world’s leading platinum producer.

Before 2011, platinum was generally more expensive than gold. In 2015, this historical trend reversed with the spread between gold and platinum growing wider.


But over the last two years, platinum has shown signs of life. In 2023, the platinum price was up a healthy 12.5 percent. So far this year, the metal has charted modest gains of about 3.8 percent.

Platinum has a long way to go to regain its historic parity with gold, but supply and demand dynamics indicate there is plenty of room for platinum to push higher.

Like silver, we’re seeing significant supply deficits in the platinum market. In 2023, there was a market deficit of over 100 million ounces, according to the World Platinum Investment Council. This was due to a combination of increasing demand and lagging mine output.

The supply shortfall continued into the first quarter of 2024.

According to the WPIC, total platinum supply in Q1 was the second lowest since the organization started tracking data.

As a result, the market deficit in Q1 came in at 369,000 ounces.

Platinum is an important component in automobile catalytic converters. Auto demand for the metal hit a 7-year high in Q1 and that pace is expected to continue through the rest of the year.

A rotation from electric vehicles to hybrids is boosting demand for platinum in the auto sector, according to the WPIC.

“Platinum demand is bolstered by stricter emissions legislation, increased hybrid vehicles that contain an internal combustion engine, and growth in the substitution of platinum for palladium. It is important to note that once platinum is substituted for palladium in specific vehicle platforms, this demand for platinum is likely to remain constant throughout the platform's seven-year lifecycle, even if platinum prices rise to, or exceed, those of palladium for an extended period.”

Platinum jewelry demand also saw a healthy increase in the first quarter, rising by 5 percent year-on-year, driven by a 53 percent increase in Indian jewelry buying.

Overall industrial demand fell slightly from a record in 2023 but remained 17 percent above the pre-COVID average.

Investment demand is also on a positive track upward this year, supported by coin and bar purchases in China.

According to the WPIC, China's retail investment in platinum is forecast to exhibit double-digit growth this year, driven by perceptions of the metal being undervalued relative to gold.

There is also a growing demand for platinum in the fast-growing hydrogen power sector.

“We are now seeing signs that platinum’s role in the hydrogen economy is gaining momentum, with our forecast for 2024 indicating a significant increase in demand to meaningful levels. This year will also witness the allocation and deployment of over US$300 billion in tax incentives and subsidies from various governments around the world, potentially further accelerating hydrogen's demand for platinum,” WPIC CEO Trevor Raymond said.

Looking ahead, the WPIC projects supply will remain flat even with the weak levels seen last year. Mine supply is expected to fall by about 3 percent offset somewhat by a rebound in recycling. But with demand expected to come in at a “robust” 7.6 million ounces, the WPIC projects a 476,000-ounce market deficit.

“For the second consecutive year, the platinum market will post a meaningful deficit underscored by platinum's sustained demand and supply vulnerability amidst global economic challenges. While we currently forecast a deficit of 476 koz, it is worth mentioning that a revision to the bar and coin investment series, based on new field research and information, could mean this deficit is potentially deeper,” Raymond said.

Above-ground stocks are forecast to decline for the second straight year, falling another 12 percent. This would mark a 4-year low in above-ground platinum supply.

Meanwhile, China is set to launch its first platinum futures contracts.

According to the South China Morning Post, the Guangzhou Futures Exchange (GFEX) “will be the first exchange to allow delivery against its contracts of platinum and palladium in a form used by the main consumers, including carmakers and other industrial sectors, and the contracts may also support platinum investment demand in China.”

According to the report, investors will be able to take delivery of platinum in both ingots and “sponge” – pure metal in powder form.

“The ability to take delivery of sponge could be transformative for industrial users of PGMs, as well as carmakers, as this is the main form typically used for their manufacturing purposes,” the WPIC said.

According to a WPIC statement, the GFEX futures will allow platinum jewelry and investment product fabricators to hedge price risk. This could reduce premiums and reduce the discount on platinum buyback, making platinum a more attractive investment.

It remains to be seen whether platinum will regain the price parity with gold we saw before the mid-2010s, but given the supply and demand dynamics, it is reasonable to be bullish on platinum in the near to mid-term. Given the price disparity with gold, this may signal a buying opportunity.
Mike Maharrey

About the Author:

Mike Maharrey is a journalist and market analyst for MoneyMetals.com with over a decade of experience in precious metals. He holds a BS in accounting from the University of Kentucky and a BA in journalism from the University of South Florida.

Source: https://www.moneymetals.com/news/2024/07/09/is-it-time-to-get-bullish-on-platinum-003305

4 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Platinum Bullion​

Platinum stands out as a precious metal that investors often overlook, focused predominantly on gold and silver. However, this rare and lustrous element possesses unique properties that make a compelling case for inclusion in investment portfolios seeking diversification and balance.
4 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Platinum Bullion

In this expanded blog, we'll delve deeper into the key factors that establish platinum bullion as an asset with long-term value worth exploring.

1. Platinum’s Rarity Drives Exclusivity​

4 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Platinum Bullion

Is platinum a good investment? One major factor that increases platinum's investor appeal is its exceptional rarity. Occurring at just 0.003 parts per million in the Earth's crust, platinum is estimated to be over 15-20 times scarcer than gold. This makes it highly exclusive, ranking among the rarest precious metal commodities on Earth.
To put this into perspective, all the platinum ever mined would fit into an average living room! Unlike more common precious metals, platinum cannot be easily extracted from the ground at economically viable scales.
The exclusivity of this scarce resource naturally lends itself to a higher and more resilient market value. For investors, platinum's rarity presents a genuinely one-of-a-kind precious metal acquisition opportunity. Its limited supply also provides excellent price stability during periods of market volatility or economic uncertainty compared to more widely available assets. When other commodities fluctuate wildly, this rare precious metal has more significant potential to hold its value steady during storms.
However, informed investors should note that South Africa accounts for 70% of global platinum production. The country's economic problems and energy crisis could contribute to supply uncertainties and rising production costs, potentially making platinum even rarer.

2. Platinum’s Essential Industrial Applications Sustain Market Demand​

Beyond prized adornments in jewellery, platinum bullion has a wide range of pivotal industrial applications that drive consistent market demand. Most notably, platinum plays an essential role in automotive catalytic converters, which reduce harmful pollution from vehicle exhaust emissions. In this use case, platinum catalysts provide the chemical reaction surface needed to convert poisonous carbon monoxide into less dangerous carbon dioxide gas.
With emission regulations tightening worldwide, demand for reliable platinum auto catalysts continues to accelerate. Additionally, platinum's unique chemical properties show promise for harnessing renewable energy through green technologies like hydrogen fuel cells. Based on these use cases, analysts believe that the global platinum market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2023 to 2030, therefore, it stands to reason that platinum price is expected to rise.

3. An Alternative Metal for Portfolio Diversification​

Investment advisors typically recommend diversifying into assets exhibiting historic price independence from stocks and bonds. Doing so balances risk by mitigating vulnerabilities to any single asset's price swings. As a high-value precious metal, platinum bullion offers an alternative safe haven asset to provide such diversification.
Its uniqueness, rarity, and pivotal supply chains powering essential industries facilitate price stability regardless of recession, inflation, or broad stock market crashes. While still subjected to some volatility, platinum has exhibited a long track record of trending differently than securities directly tied to prevailing economic cycles.

4. Platinum’s Long-Term Growth Trajectory is Aligned with Global Megatrends​

Analysing platinum's price performance over the past 50 years confirms a competitive long-term growth trajectory compared to securities and more uncomplicated precious metals like gold or silver.
Shorter periods of decline essentially reverse over longer time horizons. Such long-view gains outpace most other assets. When additionally considering emerging modern applications, combined with luxury jewellery popularity in China, India, and the Middle East, experts predict substantial multi-decade gains as technology evolves. With the rarity of choking new supply, developing uses far outweigh limited production; for investors focused on long-term value accumulation rather than short quick wins, platinum warrants careful consideration.

Platinum: A Precious Metal Worth Exploring​

In summary, from its exclusivity and price stability, through essential industrial utility, risk balancing diversification, and long-term growth potential, platinum presents a highly compelling case as an investment asset deserving earnest exploration. Many investors focus on other precious metals, leaving this hidden precious gem largely untapped. However, embracing platinum's strategic virtues can lift and empower an investment strategy.
Wondering where or how to buy platinum bullion? At Indigo Precious Metals, our mission focuses on guiding clients to such enlightened market opportunities beyond surface-level traditional options. We provide secure platinum bullion sourcing, accredited vault storage, and sales support to help clients capitalise on this unique precious metal. Our expertise illuminates the entire value chain from informed procurement to the optimisation of long-term holdings. Buy platinum bullion with Indigo Precious Metals today to reap the benefits of this exclusive and radiant precious metal asset.
Well its up a bit too. I am relatively new here and i may be wrong but i cant recall seeing anyone ever selling platinum. Personally im not in a position to buy any but i'm suprised that I have not noticed any moving on the forum.
Well its up a bit too. I am relatively new here and i may be wrong but i cant recall seeing anyone ever selling platinum. Personally im not in a position to buy any but i'm suprised that I have not noticed any moving on the forum.
Platinum has potential prob never reach heights of double gold like once before but is rarer and upcoming factors could def see it rise...plus its more dense way to stack and outlier many stackers ignore, silver to many is also speculative. Gold is stable reclassified as tier 1 asset and its beauty doesnt spot or blemish. While central banks,etc may hold some silver its bloody heavy, inconvenient and volatile to use as store of value :)
Easy, BRICS can put on some export ban too
Just like China did with few rare earth metals
Just like Russia is going to do with some strategic metals, etc
Platinum was “similar” in price to gold not that long ago. Most long term holders could/would be holding having paid a higher price possibly not wanting to sell at a loss.

Although a very rare and precious metal I believe it has never been as popular or as available as its sisters Gold and silver. (Rhodium is probably in an even more contained market)
Patrick Vierra from Silver Bullion Television spoke with Edward Sterck, the Director of Research for the World Platinum Investment Council. Edward's research gives us and particularly platinum investors valuable information to make informed investments. Come see what one of the most knowledgeable voices on platinum has to say.

Discussed in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
03:03 Platinum supply, demand, and deficit
12:18 Platinum investor sentiment
16:00 Platinum and automobiles
22:04 Platinum and China
29:13 Platinum concerns and ways to invest
