
US proposes selling gold to fund bitcoin reserve

These pigs know the greenback is fuucked. I could cum in anyone's hand and it would have more substance than bitcon ever have. It's another con job to sell your gold to the govmint
Sell gold to buy nothing! How stupid can you get? Idiots
Its not stupid. Government is only there to serve central banks, and gut each 'country' out. That is their role. Government is my personal enemy. They are creating a digital gulag on behalf of the select few who create debt from nothing and issue it to the Government, my enemy. Government has no role regarding the security of a nation. They are 'internationalists', the prize money the central banks bestow apon them allows them to uphold this beleif and escape if neccesary. The good people in the Govt's ear such as Gerard Rennick placate the stark reality that good people are not allowed in. They are my sworn enemy. I would rather be naked with my head against an old door than wearing their uniform and chanting their slogans. The Govt are robbing everybody and digitizing your existance so it can be switched off.

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

^^^ You mean the gold that was stolen from Sadam and the Iraqi people. What a total lie those wars were.
While we are on thieving pricks most of the jewels set in the British crown are stolen. Rightful owners of them want them back. India is one of the biggest bidders to have them returned. Thieves go to jail, it seems the elites have different laws

This backs up the theory that Bitcoin was created by the (US) government. It's also another nail in the coffin for the Trump Absolutists who think Trump is our saviour. It's just adding to the already extensive list of Trumps unforgivable red flags.
John Titus and Catherin Austin Fitz on the Solari report talk about how Trump has brought in the wealthiest party in u.s history. An oligarch ruling over the plantation
Establishing a BTC reserve? Sure, no problem
Selling gold to do so? Hell no

FWIW, I wrote an article addressing this topic with a bit more depth:
