
The World's Highest Capacity Mega Vault


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Slated for completion in early 2023, The Reserve is a state-of-art mega vault to be built by Silver Bullion in Singapore. While most vaults are built to store gold, the bulk of The Reserve?s 15,000 metric ton capacity is designed for silver and similarly priced rare industrial metals. This incredible facility will also have 15 UL-class 2 vaults to store up to 500 tons of gold.

With 180,000 sqft of space available, The Reserve will offer more than precious metals custodial services. It will also be a center for alternative assets such as the trading, authentication, digitization and collateralization of high-value items such as luxury timepieces, art and digital assets.

Built around transparency by design, The Reserve will be a facility like no other - the ultimate safe haven from the coming financial storms.

That is all very nice sounding but lets just go back to time a bit when people had no access to the vault and to their stuff in Sydney(and probably other cities) during covid.The phrase "you dont own it if you dont hold it" comes to mind....
Silver Bullion and The Safe House founder Gregor Gregersen will join us on our next livestream. I'll be talking to Gregor about The Mega Vault - The Reserve. Mega is too small a word to describe The Reserve and what The Reserve will do is going to set the bar in Singapore and around the world for storage,  security, transparency, tracking, liquidity, new asset classes and more.
Silver, gold, current events...bring your questions and comments or post them now for Gregor as this will be a live interview!

Building the World's Highest Capacity Precious Metals Vault - Ep 1

Stacking in that (impressive) vault would be like storing up tribute for the eventual conqueror of Singapore.

Not as impressive as some of those, but for a youtuber to get access to a vault like that is pretty impressive.