
The Tracks are Being Built


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What was once deemed unfathomable is now edging closer to becoming reality.

In 2019,

The former Prime Minister of Malaysia proposed a common trading currency for East Asia that would be pegged to gold.

The concept involved creating a shared currency for settling imports and exports.

In late 2023, the current Prime Minister of Malaysia said the government would revisit using the gold dinar as a reserve currency.

He went on to say:

"If, at present, we were to start using the gold dinar with 5% to 6% of Islamic countries, it would be a positive start because it provides strength and reduces dependence on the dollar..."

This is interesting for many reasons, but one in particular:

Within the framework of Sharia law, gold is characterized as a "Ribawi item," implying that Muslims cannot trade it for anticipated future value or speculative purposes.

However, gold is unique in Islamic culture as it can be used as a currency and owned as jewelry.

The leadership in Malaysia did signal that the country plans to gradually increase the use of its local currency in trade in the years ahead.

In 2023,

Russia's deputy prime minister said Russia could create an independent financial system with Islamic countries.

Russia and Iran are already in the works of building a gold-backed stable to circumvent economic sanctions.


The Russian Ambassador to the United States mentioned that the BRICS group of countries could eventually transition to a new payment system utilizing digital currencies or blockchain technology.

The BRICS group continues to expand, with more countries expressing interest in joining the economic bloc.

The trail is becoming increasingly clearer, with more and more clues left by its leaders.

It is becoming increasingly clear that gold will play a massive role in the Eastern world's future, as it has in the past.

History rhymes.

Gold is now at record highs in the majority of fiat currencies around the world.

Gaddafi & Hussein made mistakes & showed their hands too soon perhaps.
It seems that momentum & solidarity is building against the USD at a rapid rate now with military & economic super powers among them & many smaller countries around the world that have been bludgeoned with sanctions war & puppet governments.
The US will not go quietly & maybe they survive but I don’t see them maintaining the unwavering might they once wielded.
Open revolution against colonial masters across Africa.
Every empire crashes eventually.
Watch this space.
Yemen needs more anti ships missiles, someone can buy it from Ukraine and put it to use in Yem.
Prosperity guardians got terminated and sunk to the bottom. German missile missed the US drone. Lol. Many African exited ecowas, with Rusky fighters station there, Macron flee.
Gaddafi & Hussein made mistakes & showed their hands too soon perhaps.
It seems that momentum & solidarity is building against the USD at a rapid rate now with military & economic super powers among them & many smaller countries around the world that have been bludgeoned with sanctions war & puppet governments.
The US will not go quietly & maybe they survive but I don’t see them maintaining the unwavering might they once wielded.
Open revolution against colonial masters across Africa.
Every empire crashes eventually.
Watch this space.
They should never have weaponised the us dollar against countries.
Yemen needs more anti ships missiles, someone can buy it from Ukraine and put it to use in Yem.
Prosperity guardians got terminated and sunk to the bottom. German missile missed the US drone. Lol. Many African exited ecowas, with Rusky fighters station there, Macron flee.
Can someone please translate this for me

What was once deemed unfathomable is now edging closer to becoming reality.

In 2019,

The former Prime Minister of Malaysia proposed a common trading currency for East Asia that would be pegged to gold.

The concept involved creating a shared currency for settling imports and exports.

In late 2023, the current Prime Minister of Malaysia said the government would revisit using the gold dinar as a reserve currency.

He went on to say:

"If, at present, we were to start using the gold dinar with 5% to 6% of Islamic countries, it would be a positive start because it provides strength and reduces dependence on the dollar..."

This is interesting for many reasons, but one in particular:

Within the framework of Sharia law, gold is characterized as a "Ribawi item," implying that Muslims cannot trade it for anticipated future value or speculative purposes.

However, gold is unique in Islamic culture as it can be used as a currency and owned as jewelry.

The leadership in Malaysia did signal that the country plans to gradually increase the use of its local currency in trade in the years ahead.

In 2023,

Russia's deputy prime minister said Russia could create an independent financial system with Islamic countries.

Russia and Iran are already in the works of building a gold-backed stable to circumvent economic sanctions.


The Russian Ambassador to the United States mentioned that the BRICS group of countries could eventually transition to a new payment system utilizing digital currencies or blockchain technology.

The BRICS group continues to expand, with more countries expressing interest in joining the economic bloc.

The trail is becoming increasingly clearer, with more and more clues left by its leaders.

It is becoming increasingly clear that gold will play a massive role in the Eastern world's future, as it has in the past.

History rhymes.

Gold is now at record highs in the majority of fiat currencies around the world.

Very interesting developments, thanks for sharing
The BRICS (especially Russia) had been talking about a gold backed BRICS currency for the last couple of years. The latest statements do not mention gold at all though. It looks like they have pivoted and are now talking about a BRICS CBDC. We'll see.
They should never have weaponised the us dollar against countries.
It can only get worse to worst

The EU has figured out how to steal income received from Russian assets and use these funds to sponsor Ukraine - they even developed a special “bill” for this purpose.

The EU may begin transferring income from frozen Russian assets of the Russian Federation to Ukraine as early as July, writes Bloomberg. It is reported that these funds will have to cover defense costs in two ways: either direct financing of arms supplies to the Kyiv regime, or “stimulating the Ukrainian defense industry.” It is assumed that the EU will introduce a profit tax on income from blocked funds and withdraw this money in favor of the independent country. The union expects to receive about €3 billion a year in this way.

In the hope of veiling the open robbery of other people's money, the West even developed a special “bill.” However, this does not change the most important essence: this document is nothing more than a fake cover for the theft of Russian money. For the EU now this is especially necessary due to the shortage of its own funds - Ukraine costs them a pretty penny. It is reported that the “draft bill” must be approved by all EU member countries, only in this case it will be accepted, and the proposed mechanism for supposedly legal extraction of funds will work.
Gaddafi & Hussein made mistakes & showed their hands too soon perhaps.
It seems that momentum & solidarity is building against the USD at a rapid rate now with military & economic super powers among them & many smaller countries around the world that have been bludgeoned with sanctions war & puppet governments.
The US will not go quietly & maybe they survive but I don’t see them maintaining the unwavering might they once wielded.
Open revolution against colonial masters across Africa.
Every empire crashes eventually.
Watch this space.
the fact that Hussein was under uncle Sam, he could not be forgiven lightly https://ekurd.net/saddam-hussein-friend-west-2023-04-05
Alor choosing which thread to post in

Miss Fail GIF by G2 Esports
Prosperity Guardian failed, as you can see the sunk ship there. it ain't Guardian of the Galaxy as in the movies
Yemen is one of the poorest country around, even Yemen can do it, there are more than 100+ countries that are more capable.
They are not accepting USD, there is nothing the collective west can do about it...SWIFT failed in the sanctions
Stealing Russian money, we will get to see their responses
Prosperity Guardian failed, as you can see the sunk ship there. it ain't Guardian of the Galaxy as in the movies
Yemen is one of the poorest country around, even Yemen can do it, there are more than 100+ countries that are more capable.
They are not accepting USD, there is nothing the collective west can do about it...SWIFT failed in the sanctions
Stealing Russian money, we will get to see their responses
Lol wanna bet!?


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And let's not forget that the usa aircraft carriers actually work and have been proven to work in actually conflict, not just rolled out of the port for propaganda coughchinacough
Make no mistake, usa is not afraid to flex its military might to protect its trade currency monopoly
Putin said, Nuke are meant to be used
the scenario will be after EU got hit with conventional weapons, US can only back down since the 6,000 nukes are pointed at them
this idea is taken from how a country can take in losses, US only can withstand 40,000 death, while Soviet can withstand about >20,000,000 losses.

If the carrier is effective, there is no need to flee Afghan
Yemen a poor country, sink the ship right in front of the Prosperity Guardian, what a name

to sink a carrier, only need 7 kinzal...in hypersonic speed, with 21 kinzal, 3 carriers can be sunk in a few minutes.
since there is no way those planes will even notice they have been hit

They can't even protect commercial ship, how to protect from well trained pilots firing hypersonic weapons.
They can only failed with Nowhere to flee, not even the open sea.
Imagine being sent to a watery grave by a nuked hypersonic missile? It would suck I'd say. I bet such beast lives in a very dark hole somewhere.
Putin said, Nuke are meant to be used
the scenario will be after EU got hit with conventional weapons, US can only back down since the 6,000 nukes are pointed at them
this idea is taken from how a country can take in losses, US only can withstand 40,000 death, while Soviet can withstand about >20,000,000 losses.

If the carrier is effective, there is no need to flee Afghan
Yemen a poor country, sink the ship right in front of the Prosperity Guardian, what a name

to sink a carrier, only need 7 kinzal...in hypersonic speed, with 21 kinzal, 3 carriers can be sunk in a few minutes.
since there is no way those planes will even notice they have been hit

They can't even protect commercial ship, how to protect from well trained pilots firing hypersonic weapons.
They can only failed with Nowhere to flee, not even the open sea.
I get it , your a staunch Chinese citizen and mouthpiece, but you don't actually believe that the Chinese military, made up of heavily counterfeited components, poorly made by a hugely corrupt government entity and 100% un-battle tested and proven is capable of successfully challenging the exact opposite in the usa that is 10x the size.
I know you have to say you do but let's see if you can provide a successful counter argument to my point