
No prize Silveroos Treasure Map #15

Competition does not have a prize.


Staff member
Rating - 100%
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No prize for this game. There's a few upgrades that need testing.

  • The most recently played tile will be grey in color.
  • If you hover your mouse pointer over a tile, the player's user name will show.
  • There's a time restriction between moves. Currently set at 5 minutes for testing.
  • Other various minor fixes.
It's working for me. Edit * the time limit is 5 minutes. The grey tile shows up and I still get notifications when it's my turn to play. I can't hover over a tile with my phone but that's a nice feature that I'll check out on the computer later.
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On the phone, If you press on a tile that has already been taken you get this message. Could you put the members name here so the feature could also be used on mobiles?
It's working for me. The time limit is 10 minutes though. The grey tile shows up and I still get notifications when it's my turn to play. I can't hover over a tile with my phone but that's a nice feature that I'll check out on the computer later.

Thanks for point that out. I've now reduced it to 5 minutes.
Another thing that's happening. The time limit doesn't appear to account for the seconds. I'll get the notification but it will still have X seconds remaining.
just like to click tile, more fun when more players, but too fast when winner click one, the game ended
There were issues with the notifications. It would trigger from the time limit and from number of members before next play, so sometimes you'd get a notification that it's your turn to play but weren't able to because the time limit wasn't reached.