
Prize Silveroos Treasure Map #12

This competition has a prize.
Me if I win it this time 🙂

Do you have push notifications on? If so, when you get an alert for your turn on the treasure map and click on it, does it take you to the old treasure map that you won? It happened to me for the last game but doesn't do it anymore since this new one was created.
Do you have push notifications on? If so, when you get an alert for your turn on the treasure map and click on it, does it take you to the old treasure map that you won? It happened to me for the last game but doesn't do it anymore since this new one was created.
Exactly same here. All better now!
So this happened to you last game? I thought it was just because I found the treasure the game before
Yeah it happened to me last game, no idea why haha. I thought it was because I just enabled the push notifications at that time 🤣
Do you have push notifications on? If so, when you get an alert for your turn on the treasure map and click on it, does it take you to the old treasure map that you won? It happened to me for the last game but doesn't do it anymore since this new one was created.
It was doing that for me last game, yes. It seems to be working okay now.