
Silver Price Watch

BRICS the new power house in PMs, and commodities. I guess the era of naked shorts are over for the wallstreet whores? One can only hope.
A big re-tracement coming in 2024.
Another buying op coming soon.
Maybe at the end of this push. But if anyone here follows Elliot waves, it looks like we're on the third and most powerful leg on the weekly and monthly charts. The commercial shorts are really going to have to step their game up to counteract this next move.
Maybe at the end of this push. But if anyone here follows Elliot waves, it looks like we're on the third and most powerful leg on the weekly and monthly charts. The commercial shorts are really going to have to step their game up to counteract this next move.
may be this time their pants got burn down, their house is as well burn to the ground
the regular moves may not be present, just a blue swan
I long for the day they're caught with their pants down while their house burns to the ground
If silver runs hard from here you will know that the wallstreet whores naked shorts are farked, and they will burn. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall at this BRICS summit. This will be a game changer for PMs
If silver runs hard from here you will know that the wallstreet whores naked shorts are farked, and they will burn. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall at this BRICS summit. This will be a game changer for PMs
It never took much to end the price controls. One large economy could've done it at any time. A 10:1 ratio with Gold is where it should be, based on the mining ratio and factoring in scrap metal refining. Thats $400 silver at the current exchange rate. It may seem like an unrealistic price to some but that's exactly where we'd be if it wasn't for the incessant intervention of those in control of the aboveground stockpiles. $400 would be a natural price without factoring in the shit show that would come from the world competing for supply.

Tulip mania and the infamous 1980 run up will look like child's play when the reserves dry up and there's an actual shortage of Silver.
Napoleon had cutlery made from aluminium and also the highest order of badges to decorate himself and a few generals for their campaigns. Back then aluminium was far more valuable than gold! When silver runs out or it's demand exceeds gold then yes look out.
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Tulip mania just shows you how greed can take control. Another less known was indigo a dye made from flowers worth more a barrel than a kings head, black pepper worth twice its weight in gold! Tea , salt and so on. I don't need to go on
No doubt, as with the Hunt Brothers, they will “change” the “rules”

All the rule changes prior have been in the paper/digital markets. The next rule changes will be in the physical. I think it will start with Government Mints limiting sales, and eventually get to restricting private ownership...
No doubt, as with the Hunt Brothers, they will “change” the “rules”
The US is a rules based order demanding all nations to comply to it like they are gods ... but the rule maker has failed to comply to its own rules when they don't get their way with other countries. Hence the multiple wars they have subjected us troops to and the millions of innocent people they have slaughtered since ww2 in the name of democracy and the punitive sanctions against the human race.
Yes, even today Saffron is still worth more than gold of the given weight. The point is once a commodity becomes scarce or in demand then it's through the roof... silver might just be on its way