
Silver Price Watch

Some really interesting events playing out on the silver markets lately:
  • CME margin fuckery - The CME (COMEX) raised margins on silver contracts several times in the last couple of weeks before lowering them three days ago.
  • POS in China has been bouncing between USD $32.50 and $33.50 over the last week or so. The locals there are apparently not impressed with the size of the stimulus efforts so far?
  • China purportedly is now bypassing the COMEX/LBMA markets...

Lol minors

Nothing has changed only a changing of the gaurd.. Market sentiment will be short-term weeks at the most then a great big pump.
Let us see how far this run goes. US UK clearing houses have lost control. As I have said previously when gold is not valued in USD we have game on.
Ooh a run! I better look. Not in a position to buy so have lost interest. Pretty good opportunity the last week to get in and buy nd gesome silver, and that platinum sale (made on ss) was a good deal for the roll too.
Im not sure if new members realise old silver posts not marked as sold might still be up for grabs. Sellers are very polite and generous on this platform.
Ooh a run! I better look. Not in a position to buy so have lost interest. Pretty good opportunity the last week to get in and buy nd gesome silver, and that platinum sale (made on ss) was a good deal for the roll too.
Im not sure if new members realise old silver posts not marked as sold might still be up for grabs. Sellers are very polite and generous on this platform

What is the latest about this? It seems momumental for our cause. Is it a case of media suppression or its just not as it would seem. Silver is not being nearly as awesome as gold the last few days.
Silver usually lags behind Gold, and from a ratio basis, it's remained pretty steady.

Not sure about the Minors lol
Not sure about the Minors lol

Well silver never really went up with gold last week yet it sure as hell goes straight down with gold. Pfff...unreal.
When Trump is king it would be good for him to audit the fed. I'm guessing that they have been fiddling the books for a long time now, and it needs to be made public. The trillions that they are declaring compared to the true deficit is wrong and is much higher. When the truth comes out the streets of the USA will be a blood bath. Yep, civil war.
Well silver never really went up with gold last week yet it sure as hell goes straight down with gold. Pfff...unreal.
You know what, I'm overall very positive on silver in the long-term. I've said it many times; Until we deplete the aboveground stockpiles, the commercials will always have control over the market (as long as the Comex isn't challenged). But the most recent silver smackdown got to me pretty bad. It wasn't because it got smacked down, it was because I allowed myself to believe it wouldn't. I let all logical analysis go out the window and became invested in the idea of silver having it's time in the sun.

Between 2028-2032 is when I've determined we'll see a real physical shortage. For physical stackers, regularly analysing short-term price movements will only benefit us when buying and selling. The rest of the time it will just lure us into situations like mine where I became too short sighted and fell victim to ideas and beliefs not founded in reality.
with stocks markets peak out in 2026
30 years gold bull market running to 2030-2031 since 2000
hope that Trump not effecting anything in anyway