
Silver optimism

^^^ within 10years the USD will be in the same decline as the Spanish silver pillar dollars a hundred and something years before. I see Zimbabwe have gone to a gold backed dollar. USD is farked and will turn the usa into a shithole. Over and out
^^^ it could turn around that fast too. Strange things can happen in a micro climate metal market. It's all about timing :)
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This is for silver and gold. The discussions begin half way into the video.

Silver: "How do you run deficits like that and not have it show up in price?".

First Majestic recently announced their acquisition of Gatos, which will put them in a favourable position moving into 2025 and beyond. I was fortunate enough to buy into their stock with a leveraged trade at the bottom of this run, which landed a 2.5x in just two days. I can see FM stock doing a run to $15-20 in the next 6 months.


For those who aren't aware, First Majestic have established their new Mint called First Mint. It's the first mint ever to produce silver bullion directly from the mine straight to production. Keith's plan is to ensure every single ounce he mines is removed from the overall market supply and made available to physical investors like you and me. This is his way of protesting the silver manipulation by withholding his silver from the market (something he's called for other miners to do when the price dipped below production costs), while at the same time giving power back to the people by making more silver available for small-time investors to hold. It's a win, win because it increases FM's profitability, takes silver from the market (increasing the overall supply deficits for industry), and actually creates a meaningful play that gets us all closer to triple digit silver.

You have to admire Keith for his tenacity. Despite so much going against him, he's managed to still get ahead and put himself in such a position where he can make a meaningful contribution to the cause. He's done everything he can to give us insights into the mining industry and has been a strong proponent for Silver's recognition as a strategic metal.
not a good chance to buy direct again, during higher prices and got hit with gst
back then there weren't many online dealers, now there are sufficient supply without the gst
Love the idea of selling silver to consumers

I think it's genius. With his new acquisition of Gatos, he will be taking up to 40Mozs off the market from industry. That's where the big drivers of the price will come from when we finally have a physical deficit/shortage. It's a clever play because he's creating two avenues of demand for his mined silver. One has a very generous premium that can be reinvested into his mint and mining operations, and the other is a sure way to secure liquidity at any given moment by selling Dore bars to market.