
Nuke Subs, about time

Is the US out of fun
now AUKUS need to put up money first, so when they are ready, US will make use of them
3 eyes, as CN NZ would be against nuclear

Seems NK and Iran would build them too Nuke Sub, but the NK ones are fully loaded
alor said:
Is the US out of fun
now AUKUS need to put up money first, so when they are ready, US will make use of them
3 eyes, as CN NZ would be against nuclear

Seems NK and Iran would build them too Nuke Sub, but the NK ones are fully loaded

NZ are against them, dont have any defense, NZ are sitting ducks.
the NZ Pm says Australia yesterday that you wont be sailing those into our waters as we banned Nuke powered vessels a long time ago.
Well thats stupid But Fine, I guess the US and Aus navies cant help protect NZ.  she then complained they were left out of the conversation and are now out of the loop, like that is Australia's fault, since they told the USA to get stuffed years ago, the NZ pm is getting a bit to kissy kissy with China, cant blame the USA and Aus gov not trusting her enough with National security. Ardern has criticized Aus for years, so what did she expect?

New security systems and intelligence systems will be a handy thing that comes along with that sub deal, not to mention another upgrade in USA weapons for ground and sea.

jason1 said:
Administrator said:
jason1 said:
About bloody time we get something thats at least got half a chance, watch the lefties get upset, but bugger them,

I'm a big advocate of free speech.
Just a note, Im Not saying they cant express their views. aka calling them equal to "floating Chernobyls" and we should be "investing in de-nuking China" says the greens,well how does one do that? stupid things to say but they are very welcome to say it. 
Especially when china said they wouldn't make those man made islands into military bases and they did, imagine saying to them, oh please china get rid of your nukes so we dont have to buy Nuclear submarines. lol china be like oh yer for sure bro we will get rid of our nukes, thanks for asking so nicely.

So while they can express them, I doubt they are views worth acting apon, the government finally made the right decision, better late than never I guess
8 N subs won't sail until 2040
by then China would have 30+ of their N subs, loaded with nukes war heads
they would have 3,000 odd deterent silos
alor said:
8 N subs won't sail until 2040
by then China would have 30+ of their N subs, loaded with nukes war heads
they would have 3,000 odd deterent silos

Yes, but until that time we will have USA subs and war ships here, Id also think if things started ramping up, Im sure boats from USA ship yards might end up here a bit earlier. the deal doesn't just involve us buying subs, it also comes with huge USA and UK support and personal stationed here in the very near future. Our subs may not have nuke warheads, Id be fairly certain some of those USA ones sailing around our waters will 