
New Silveroos Coin - "Real Men Use Real Money"

I am a bit bummed to have missed this. Just not regular enough on silveroos to see everything.

To be fair, the original post did say :-

"The first order round is only available to Silveroos.com members."

That clearly implies there is more than one order?
For the record there were two orders. The first lot went to members as listed. Then about 4 to six weeks later the second order came through.
I am a bit bummed to have missed this. Just not regular enough on silveroos to see everything.

To be fair, the original post did say :-

"The first order round is only available to Silveroos.com members."

That clearly implies there is more than one order?
Snooze you loose we did have 2 tranches of these, and the good thing is admin has not bastadised the mintage. 2 thumbs up to him for that because he is keeping forum members interest in place and not for greed. I'm all for locking in mintage on any runs in the future to as interest from outsiders and sales will increase because of it. Remember the Perth Mint dragons? They barstadised them so much to fetch just melt value . Greedy pigs
Donations to the next set of dies I encourage too. The boss has done a excellent job for all. Enjoy
Yes, I remember the Perth Mint Dragons. There is no need to be like that. Your precious investment will be protected even if the actual mintage is under what was originally planned.

FWIW I have been a member here from pretty much the start but I don't visit the site every day. I am not an outsider.
On the old site I was there everyday for over ten years. I looked at every word that was ever typed in that time on that forum I've seen so many plebs come and go, and some very good people that meant well drifting from meet to meet over the years
Snooze you loose we did have 2 tranches of these, and the good thing is admin has not bastadised the mintage. 2 thumbs up to him for that because he is keeping forum members interest in place and not for greed. I'm all for locking in mintage on any runs in the future to as interest from outsiders and sales will increase because of it. Remember the Perth Mint dragons? They barstadised them so much to fetch just melt value . Greedy pigs
Donations to the next set of dies I encourage too. The boss has done a excellent job for all. Enjoy

As far as I'm aware:
- The declared mintage was 400.
- All the COAs have already been printed
- The stamp hasn't been returned

There could very well be additional runs in the future. There's no date on the rounds, so the final mintage eventually reflecting the declared mintage on the COAs would be a reasonable expectation. A 400 mintage is still very low and is only marginally above the 318 mintage of the first round.
Boss said no more available! So either the 400 have been minted or the mintage is held at 318 that you have stated! Im confused with it all. Clarification of the total mintage would be nice because when I sell down the track I truly don't want to be misleading buyers about the amount out there in the wild. So what is it please 318 or 400
Boss said no more available! So either the 400 have been minted or the mintage is held at 318 that you have stated! Im confused with it all. Clarification of the total mintage would be nice because when I sell down the track I truly don't want to be misleading buyers about the amount out there in the wild. So what is it please 318 or 400
318 is the first ever Silveroos round. The stamp was sent back and no more will be made.

400 was the declared mintage on the "Real men use real money" round but only a little over 200 have been minted so far. Admin hasn't declared the final mintage yet. I think he was responding to the requests to buy more, as there's no more available to purchase right now until another run is done.

I may be wrong but that's my take on it.
Cheers for the reply. The banter was doing my head in considering we are in the real men use real money thread, and not the original silveroos round thread. Looking forward to the boss saying mintage declared for this round.
He replied to himself. When he initially received his rounds, Alor said he was "looking forward to the 2024 Silveroos round" ...but we're half way through the year, and I assume based on the time it takes to create another round, Alor doesn't think it's likely they'll be a 2024 Silveroos round. Just to add a bit of confusion to the conversation 😆

As far as I know, there isn't another round in development...

Crunching the numbers, based on how many "Real men use real money" rounds have been minted, the cost of the stamp + the cost of the certs etc - the forum/admin would be in the negative. It's pretty admirable that Admin would embark on such a project purely to benefit Silveroos members with a negative ROI to date, all while covering the expenses of the forum and keeping this place running. He'll never ask for anything in return but it may be a good opportunity for us all to consider a forum donation? I've been meaning to send some but keep forgetting. I'll do it now while it's fresh on my mind.
Dude I would be the first donor to the mod keeping this forum alive. I get so consumed with my life and work it becomes a forgetful part of my daily workload bringing up orphans and babies in need. If admin throws a fee at us for our stay in this wonderful place I will pay it. Admin only needs to ask I am all for paying our way to keeping this forum alive
Dude I would be the first donor to the mod keeping this forum alive. I get so consumed with my life and work it becomes a forgetful part of my daily workload bringing up orphans and babies in need. If admin throws a fee at us for our stay in this wonderful place I will pay it. Admin only needs to ask I am all for paying our way to keeping this forum alive

I know you would. And please forgive me, I wasn't directing it at you, I just had a brain spark during my response. My ADHD often causes me to spew out multiple thoughts at once.

What I was alluding to is that life does get in the way, and it's easy to become distracted from the reality that the costs of running the forum rest on the shoulders of Admin. I remember not long ago that SS members pooled together to gift Shiney silver (of all things) for his roles as a moderator. It was a bit strange because he was directly involved in the demise of that forum, yet everyone got together to support him. Admin will never ask for it, but maybe a call-out for donations is in order? What do you think?

I know that donations of Silver would be used to run the treasure map games, so Whether it be $$ to help with running costs or silver to be used for the treasure maps, it would all help to keep this forum running and be invested back into it's continued growth.