
New Silveroos Coin - "Real Men Use Real Money"

At this stage mintage will be at around 300 coins. I'll release the exact number after all orders have been finalized and I've received the die.

Due to logistical reasons we will be processing the orders in two batches. The first order will be ordered during next week. The second batch will be processed a week or so after.

The first round of orders will be for these members:


Keep in mind we're trying to keep prices to an absolute minimum. At this stage, with the current silver price & SBA premium, the price per coin will be somewhere between $52 to $54 each + postage.

I will PM you with payment details and the final price per coin when the first order is locked-in with SBA.
First round order has been placed today. Members in the first round will receive a PM shortly with payment details.

There are also a limited number of very nice S.R. Mitchell boxes available for these coins. If you would like some they are $10 each. Please PM me to reserve them.
These are the high quality matching SRM branded boxes on offer. The coins fit perfectly and match the coin's SRM back.
