
Long Gold for a trade / or Short.

what do you buy as your long trade?
IG Markets, Contracts. They have a demo account if you are new to trading! But before I personally went there I studied candle patterns first, this has navigated my way through the unknown to getting some of my trades right. Good luck 😀
The hardest part is taking your emotions out of trading decisions and being almost robotic with your trading plan and strategy. I've had some big profit months but I've also had some 30-40k losses. The biggest hit I've taken is the time given away obsessing over my positions.

But looking at the charts, a pullback looks likely... At least in the short term.

^^^ With breakouts it could be everyday, and not weeks. My take is first stop 3500. If it blows past that 3900 as a handbrake. Assuming it blows past that I'm guessing next stop 5k. Good luck
The hardest part is taking your emotions out of trading decisions and being almost robotic with your trading plan and strategy. I've had some big profit months but I've also had some 30-40k losses. The biggest hit I've taken is the time given away obsessing over my positions.

But looking at the charts, a pullback looks likely... At least in the short term.

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Are you still short? If on a trade?
I'm not trading. Actually, I have a position on first majestic silver at the moment but I don't trade Forex or commodities anymore and haven't for years. It consumed me too much and that's time with the kids I'll never get back, so I'm quite bitter about my involvement.

I still have meta trader on my phone and I use it to monitor metals and currency pairs. I just took a look at the 1 hour chart on gold at the time.

You still haven't answered what leverage you trade with? I went through a period of trading with 1:400 leverage. My god that would make my heart pump. I've made better choices before 😄