

It's been a long time since I've seen a red, maybe 40 plus years in thickets on the farm he stood up and confronted me! Big suckers they are for sure. Common greys are everywhere I live now. Are there any reds left? They sure are an awesome beast to look at
It's been a long time since I've seen a red, maybe 40 plus years in thickets on the farm he stood up and confronted me! Big suckers they are for sure. Common greys are everywhere I live now. Are there any reds left? They sure are an awesome beast to look at
Used to be a shit tonne more or less where the red soil started. For me in Syd thats west of bogan river and more so west of murray darling. Alot dissappeared between 2010 and 2020 (like ALOT!) due to a long drought combined with huge increase in dog meat demand. Exclusion fencing doesnt help cos they cant move to where it has rained then just get coralled into corners and driven over in piles. But a fair few well inland. Im sure if you were hangin out in a shearing shed somewhere out of the way in Wanaring you would be surrounded in them. Well....i hope...