

Shlomo was in serious financial trouble & the wolves were at the door demanding payment that simply could not be made. so Shlomo decided to appeal to g_d & ask that he wins the big lottery so he could save his skin. The lottery came & went & Shlomo became more desperate as the threats intensified. Shlomo again appealed to g_d to bless him with a win in the lottery.
Things were getting really bad for Shlomo as he appealed again to g_d to reward him with the lottery win. As he again called upon g_d to save him, g_d appeared before Shlomo & he said to Shlomo, “at least meet me half way a buy a ticket”.
Google Bankrupt, Russian Court Rules

The Moscow Arbitration Court has declared Google LLC, Google's Russian subsidiary, bankrupt as it owes 53.6 billion rubles (approx 500 million euros).