


An Old Farmer writes to his Son who is in Prison:
"Dear Son, this year I won't be able to plant Potatoes because I can't dig the field by myself, I know if you are here, you would have helped me".
The Son writes back,
"Dad don't even think of digging the field because that's where I buried all the money I stole."
The Police read the letter and the next Day the whole field was dugged up looking for the money but nothing was found.
The following Day the Son wrote again,
'Now plant your Potatoes dad, it's the best I can do from here.
Federal government & opposition is JOTD

Simon Birmingham concerned Russian ?squatter? at Russian embassy site in Canberra is embarrassing Australia.
Never fear Albwanshee has our backs.

After albwaneshees pwan backfired he seeks to save face by mocking the Russian man?s check mate with a quip about standing in the cold.
News flash albwaneshee, it gets fkn cold in Russia MAYBE even colder than Canberra.
What a dick head