

US Air Force may have shot down hobby club?s balloon worth US$12 with US$439,000 missile
Nice Shot  :)
sam got dragged away, spinning in the head lol


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alor said:
sam got dragged away, spinning in the head lol

The USA have sanctioned the whole world into oblivion,  funny thing is the idiots have not learnt that in this modern world they just don't work. How dumb Washington is full of nation heeman. When  it's the USA turn to get sanctioned  the idiot state will crumble into  A very deep shithole . USD look out below.
market got up, down and sideway. the sideway usually got overlook, yet most of the time are sideway.

US cannot take a third opinion, you are either with us or with the terrorist, we know who supported the terrorists.

In a 3 dimensions world, we have a two dimensions picture, so this problem is inherently shapped into the brain, just like the donkey/elephant, left/right... but there are always the minority they called them independent.

The old petrol dollar was based on that principle, if you want to trade, you must earn that dollar, but the printer have the privilege of not earning that dollar the way other people do. My dollar your problem.

Now, it is your dollar, not our problem, as BRIC+ do not want it any longer.
We have NO dollar to lend you, your debt based system will have to be retired, out of fashion, KAPUT.

We have a coin, that have two sides, people always overlook the RIM, edge...also part of the coin.
Coin has 3 parts, just like the world we live in. Black-Grey-White.
The Pentagon is in a panic: Russia seized American weapons from the AFU and sent them to Iran

The American TV channel CNN shared information that the Russian military managed to capture Western weapons on the battlefield, including Javelin anti-tank systems and anti-aircraft Stinger. 

Then, Moscow reportedly sent the equipment to Iran for dismantling and analysis, probably so that the Iranian military could try to create its own version of the weapon.

However, official Washington does not believe that such cases are widespread. In addition, the Ukrainian military has been reporting to the Pentagon about any losses of American equipment since the beginning of the conflict.