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Hurricane Ian Has Turned Electric Vehicles into Ticking Time Bombs: ?Extreme Hazard?


The new CO of the US 7th Cavalry wanted a grand mural at HQ, so commissioned an acclaimed artist to capture & portray the battle of ?Little Big Horn? AKA Custers Last Stand.
After receiving his brief ?To really capture the intensity of the battle & bring the scene to life? the artist set about the task.
8 weeks later the master piece was ready for the grand unveiling to serving members past & present.
The General did the honours, drawing back the curtain to a stunned & gasping audience.
The mural depicted a tribe of fully naked Sioux engaged in a massive sexual orgy & in the sky above them were fish with halos.
Outraged, the general demanded to know the meaning of this fiasco.
Maintaining his composure, the artist turned to the general replying, you wanted me to capture the gravity & intensity of the situation & I?m confident I?ve done that & quite proud of the work.
The general asked how this abomination resembled the brief. The artist replied, I put my self in the boots of the soldiers as the Indians advanced & I thought ?Holy mackerel, look at all them fucking Indians?.
shinymetal said:

I only just had a close enough look at this to realise what the bottom line that is half cropped out says.
Before I thought this guy seems like a funny nice dude, but nope. Not if he's being charged with that!