Imagine today?s high inflation like a car speeding down a hill. In order to slow it down, you need to hit the brakes. In this case, the ?brakes? are interest rate hikes intended to slow spending. However, as Visual Capitalist's Jenna Ross explains, some central banks are hitting the brakes faster than others.
This graphic uses data from central banks and government websites to show how policy interest rates and inflation rates have changed since the start of the year. It was inspired by a chart created by Macrobond.
Interest Rate Hikes Vs Inflation Rate, By Country (click on the picture to enlarge it)
This graphic uses data from central banks and government websites to show how policy interest rates and inflation rates have changed since the start of the year. It was inspired by a chart created by Macrobond.
Interest Rate Hikes Vs Inflation Rate, By Country (click on the picture to enlarge it)