
Historical Gold to Silver Ratio

Last I heard, silver is currently being mined 7:1 versus gold. If the LBMA + COMEX vaults drain to zero in the next few years, silver could conceivably rise to equilibrium at a GSR in the neighborhood of 7. Wrap your heads around that.
for how much longer the silver is being given up for gold, in exchange
gold refiner will keep the silver in his pond
zinc miner will keep his silver pond
when silver price is high enough like back in 2011, those silver got taken out and sold.
Last I heard, silver is currently being mined 7:1 versus gold. If the LBMA + COMEX vaults drain to zero in the next few years, silver could conceivably rise to equilibrium at a GSR in the neighborhood of 7. Wrap your heads around that.
We all know this and i know shit all compared to vast majority of you...But i do know world we live in well enough, a world of manipulated facts,figures and control. And im much more skeptical then naive, why would freedom be given...why would so much AG be sold at such reduced cost, in huge amounts of up to 5kg blocks if free rein is to be given or at least real mining ratio? Why would central banks retain and continue to amass gold if heavy space consuming blocks of silver were going to parallel or exceed the true monetary metal Gold?
People hesitate to buy gold when its breached ATH several times but silver even though still below pay premium before,massive potential but hasnt reached previous peaks yet and when it does how many will hesitate to buy? ...many already do as waiting on it to do what it usually does, recede and drop in price. Gold is tier 1 asset silver is heavy and unsuitable for many things...Even seasoned stackers wait for GSR to trade heavy weight/speculation for proven wealth insurance. This fool will take the gold metal and gold medal thankyou :)
There's merit in any set or type of facts someone wants to analyse and from those facts we as individuals define our own truth, in this world but the truth and facts may not come to pass in reality thats my 80oz of silver or 1oz gold worth
why would so much AG be sold at such reduced cost, in huge amounts of up to 5kg blocks if free rein is to be given or at least real mining ratio? Why would central banks retain and continue to amass gold if heavy space consuming blocks of silver were going to parallel or exceed the true monetary metal Gold?

I think there's a few reasons to this and the reasons have evolved over time.

1) When we first removed silver from our coinage and went off the Gold standard, the world's population was very familiar with the concept of silver and gold as real money. Embarking on a new fiat currency system backed by hopes, dreams and most importantly - Faith - the rise of both metals would erode the faith in the reserve currency and undermine the system.

2) Awareness of Gold and Silver usually comes with awareness of how the financial system works. The less attention the metals receive, the less likely the population will challenge or question the financial system.

3) There happened to be massive stockpiles of Silver compared to Gold. Because silver is consumed heavily in industry but in such small quantities, those stockpiles disappeared. There was actually a time when keeping the price low made a lot of sense from an aboveground availability perspective.

4) Gold is more of a compact store of wealth and the king daddy of money. Silver is more likely to be acquired and utilised by the common man. Suppressing the price and keeping attention away from Silver means less financial power and control in the hands of the people. Central banks aren't in a position to take silver away from industry.

5) Now that society is dependant on Silver for it's technological advancements, and silver reserves are rapidly depleting, a rise in metal prices will attract attention - particularly to investors. If they didn't intervene in the markets and let the price go, then people would flock to Silver for investment. The more people aware of silver, the more silver that will be taken from a market that our society depends on, the faster we'll see a real physical shortage.
The paper has diffrent values in different times.
Since most people will be poor and happy, they need no silver, worst they will report you to the brown shirts. The more the wait, the higher the price run up. Wait till the top and they (guys) drop dead.