
Google Announces Worldwide BAN on Independent Media From Search Results


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Google has announced plans to completely ban all independent media outlets from appearing in their search results. Google has has partnered with the UN, WHO and other globalist organizations in a new censorship tool, according to LaToya Drake, head of Google News Lab.

Google News Lab is ?a team within the Google News Initiative whose mission is to collaborate with journalists to fight misinformation? and other things. And, the Google News Initiative (?GNI?) ?works with publishers and journalists to fight misinformation.?

Expose-news.com reports: Below are the short descriptions from GNI?s ?About? page. The titles are misleading. For example, following the ?Our partners? hyperlink contained in the words ?learn more? does not lead to a list or overview of its partners. It leads to ?Case Studies?: Some ?stories? about ?how news organisations around the world are growing their news coverage and digital businesses.? After which Google advertises some other of its products and invites the reader to ?sign up for our newsletter.?

We truly have entered the era of George Orwell?s Doublethink and Doublespeak.
Google?s Global Censorship Tool

Last week, Swiss software developer Dejan Georgiev tweeted: ?Google?s new global censorship tool was introduced today [7 August] at 9:10 am via an email press release.?

Link: https://dainikbidyaloy.com/2023/08/14/google-announces-worldwide-ban-on-independent-media-from-search-results/?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR1PsBiUuYrwG339OTKEHlVflPm956Ey7h0rbxQ0YOiSX9FSEXzqhNoFhs8

Far from the noble intention of assisting with the factual verification of information online, Geogiev wrote that Google?s algorithms are designed to delete websites that criticise topics such as:

    Covid-19 statistics
    The World Bank
    The FBI?s crime statistics
    A one-world global government

Read more: Data Commons Updates, 1 June 2021

Other topics include:

    Global warming statistics provided by the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change based in Geneva, Switzerland).
    World Health Organisation?s findings on any topic they select.
    United Nation?s Energy Statistics Database (carbon emissions).
    Environmental Protection Agency?s Greenhouse Gas reports.
    The Anheuser Bush Baldwinsville Brewery
    Stanford University?s DeepSolar.

Read more: Data Commons Updates, 10 October 2021

?All data supports one global government under the United Nations banner.  Google has the only say on what news gets read or blocked from the internet,? Naked Truth News wrote.

So many will never know about this. Others will but won't care. We'll never get out of this dystopian nightmare until the majority begin to value truth and freedom above all.
And there I was thinking "DuckDuckGo" is still the better option...I plugged "independent media outlets" into their search engine and got one too many refs to the ABC for my liking.