
Gold and Silver Sales Surge: What Are the Top Coins and Bars to Buy and to Avoid


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The case has never been stronger to buy [gold and silver]," says Mark Yaxley, Managing Director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. With downward pressure from the Fed and U.S. dollar reining gold back, "the pullback is already happening," he tells our Daniela Cambone, rationalizing the reason of buying the precious metal now. Major inflation issues along with the conflict in Ukraine have only bolstered the argument to allocate a percentage of your portfolio to precious metals, Yaxley says. "Premiums don't lie, they tell the story of the underlying demand for physical precious metals," he continues. Yaxley breaks down recommended and verified products to purchase, along with the process in which to liquidate metals if ever desired.

Part 2:

As a precious metals investor, how do I know if my assets are real? In the second part of this interview, Mark Yaxley, Managing Director at Strategic Wealth Preservation, walks us through four steps people can take to identify counterfeit bars and coins. First, "buy from a reputable dealer," says Yaxley. ?Counterfeiting is a reality that all industries face," he explains to Daniela Cambone in this episode. Yaxley then breaks down the techniques and machines used in order to test precious metals through non-destructive testing methods. "I've come across some [precious metal assets] that you'd be shocked that they made their way into the system," he says with caution. "Gold, silver, platinum, and palladium tend to trend in the same direction, but in shorter periods of time, they can break out on their own," he concludes when discussing palladium's recent uptrend in price.
