
Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots fired at rally

Yeah, I'm all for a logical conspiracy theory but I feel that yours, with the many many cameras trained on him is less likely than say
Deep state operatives allow a unhinged and mk ultra groomed individual to get into a great sniping position. After he takes his shots they clean him up and scrub his social media/chat history before media/investigators get it.
They just didn't count on him being both a crap shot ( follow up shots were wild) and Trump turning his head just at the right moment
Interesting to hear if first shot missed and Trump turned in response to see what had just passed close to him?
Looks like 1st shot hit ear, 2nd to 5th went wild before the secret service sniper literally "blew his head off"
Looks like just another nut job that's been living in his mums basement that can't get a girlfriend and sucking on too many crack pipes.
Senator Rennick:

Snippets of early mainstream media reports yesterday that made no mention that there was an assassination attempt was made on Trump’s life.

The headlines are comical.

How obvious does it have to be?

The same mainstream media today are now calling on everyone to tone down the rhetoric.

Why? Do they have something to hide?

People are quite entitled to talk about the assassination attempt and ask questions as to how it was allowed to happen.

Especially given the latest footage showing the presence of a very high ladder leading onto the roof from where the shooter unleashed his bullets.

How anyone missed someone walking around with a ladder and a rifle beggars belief.

“Snippets of early mainstream media reports yesterday that made no mention that there was an assassination attempt was made on Trump’s life.”

unbelievable the lack of accuracy in these reports
What I thought was blood splatter on Trump's face is just blood that dripped down his face when he had his head down.