
Desantis is the Dude


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Desantis is the Dude, get the fuck out of the way Trump and let the Man through, he would easily beat the dems and capture the swing voters Trump cant.
Trumps base is Big but IMO he fails with swing voters who actually decide elections.
Desantis is a super star, a no bullshit poli who can actually sell policy. So for the good of the GOP trump should let him through.
Nah, Desantis would be mental to run against Trump, Trump won 2020 easily, it's not a matter of more votes it's a matter of honest elections.
Any public back and forth between the 2 is a stage show, Trump will get back in before 2024, then win again in 2024, Desantis will be 2028, he is doing a good job in Florida going up against Trump would lose a lot of Trump supporters cos hes undermining MAGA,
Trump is the MAGA king, Desantis is a prince at best.


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shinymetal said:
Nah, Desantis would be mental to run against Trump, Trump won 2020 easily, it's not a matter of more votes it's a matter of honest elections.
Any public back and forth between the 2 is a stage show, Trump will get back in before 2024, then win again in 2024, Desantis will be 2028, he is doing a good job in Florida going up against Trump would lose a lot of Trump supporters cos hes undermining MAGA,
Trump is the MAGA king, Desantis is a prince at best.

Um as i clearly said, im not talking about Desantis Vs trump in Primeries.
trump would beat Desentis in Primaries for sure, no doubt, BUT trump would lose against the Dems.
but IMO Desantis would beat the Dems. Trump wont win swing voters, trumps base is massive, big enough of a base to wipe out GOP opposition but its swing voters who make or break presidential elections. Trump is good, but he has to much baggage. Desantis is legit
Plus unlike trump Desantis didnt push that vaccine shit on any one, Desantis was against it on day one, trump pushed the vaccine through with operation warp speed.handing billions of dollars to the big pharma to make the shit, Like it or not, trumps operation Warp speed is why we had to suffer that untested vaccine bullshit. That policy pushed things through faster voiding typical vaccine trial lengths, essentially rubber stamping untested vaccines and the rest of the world followed
So this idea he is completely anti establishment is undone by that one policy
Trump needs to get out of the way if he wants a GOP president.

I dont hate trump but Desantis is a far superior candidate. He is just as No bullshit if not more than Trump but with the ability to actually sell things, not just have tanties on social media, which is what turns swing voters off Trump.

Desantis should be let through. other wise GOP wont have power again under trump.
Trump would lose against dems? Seriously?
Trump won 2020 BIGLY
2024 isn't a matter of Trump needing to swing voters, there is going to be enough incriminating stuff coming more public once Twitter is sorted out that will help the public become more aware.
Desantis can run if Trump is unable for any reason, but I doubt that will happen I doubt he wants to, he has a long career ahead of him, he's young and 2028 isn't that far away.
I still think Trump will be back in office before 2024, there is some obscure law that if someone comes into office half way through a term it doesn't count toward the 2 terms they are allowed to run for, so I have been expecting Trump to come back into office after Biden has been in for 2 years for some time, how exactly that happens is anyones guess, there are a few paths, one being make Trump speaker of the house making him 3rd inline then impeach Biden and Harris, but I think it needs to be done by overturning the election, and I think that is possible, some state supreme court of mostly D's recently said something like "yea the election was rigged, we're not going to decertify it because that time been and gone, but we will make sure it doesn't happen again." admitting you have a problem is the first step in fixing it. Jan 6th is 2 years since Biden got in, give it a few months after that and see what happens. If Trump is the president he's the candidate by default and if he was put back in office because he was the rightful winner in 2020 and he will candidate in 2024 by default.
I don't see any point in speculating if Desantis is going to go against Trump, or if Trump will step down, it's not going to happen, it just causes division for no reason at all.

shinymetal said:
Trump would lose against dems? Seriously?
Trump won 2020 BIGLY
2024 isn't a matter of Trump needing to swing voters, there is going to be enough incriminating stuff coming more public once Twitter is sorted out that will help the public become more aware.
Desantis can run if Trump is unable for any reason, but I doubt that will happen I doubt he wants to, he has a long career ahead of him, he's young and 2028 isn't that far away.
I still think Trump will be back in office before 2024, there is some obscure law that if someone comes into office half way through a term it doesn't count toward the 2 terms they are allowed to run for, so I have been expecting Trump to come back into office after Biden has been in for 2 years for some time, how exactly that happens is anyones guess, there are a few paths, one being make Trump speaker of the house making him 3rd inline then impeach Biden and Harris, but I think it needs to be done by overturning the election, and I think that is possible, some state supreme court of mostly D's recently said something like "yea the election was rigged, we're not going to decertify it because that time been and gone, but we will make sure it doesn't happen again." admitting you have a problem is the first step in fixing it. Jan 6th is 2 years since Biden got in, give it a few months after that and see what happens. If Trump is the president he's the candidate by default and if he was put back in office because he was the rightful winner in 2020 and he will candidate in 2024 by default.
I don't see any point in speculating if Desantis is going to go against Trump, or if Trump will step down, it's not going to happen, it just causes division for no reason at all.

Desantis I doubt will run against Trump, i said he will lose to Trump if he did, But Trump will lose in 2024 if he runs, i lay a $100 on that.
the GOP is not taking over both the house and senate, there is no red wave unfortunately so there will be no investigation into Biden and hunter, so now the Dems  get the rest of the term with free air essentially. If the GOP some how wins the house and senate today then maybe trump has a chance as it would expose Biden when they call on investigations. But doesn't look like it.

Trump needs to step back and let some new blood have ago. Jan6 will forever be used against him, like it or not, fairly or unfairly thats the case. trumps endorsed candidates have been mixed results at best today. I like trump but the bird is cooked, I thought he might have had a good shot if the were able to win the house and senate, get those investigations going but not so after todays results. fairly or unfairly, he has been beaten, his success has peaked. Instead of trying to ride a dead horse, think its time the trump guys move onto a new prospect. trump needs to learn its his turn to play behind the scenes game now, if he wants his revenge thats where he needs to play it from. He will lose to the dems he has a big base but its not over half the country. 
Im not a trump hater, keep that in mind, My point of view is based on reality not as a sycophantic dreamer. 

the same people who said he will win in 2024 are the same people who said there will be ared wave today, No doubt that trump will run but it will be at the cost of the party
Trump will win for sure in 2024, he won 2020 it's a matter of stopping the fraud than getting more votes.
I was watching a bunch of different streams today and there obvious signs of fuckery, and I can only assume there will be legal challenges, and they have to count votes for 3 days or however long they reckon it's going to take.
Fetterman won? The guy is (no offence) mentally defective stroke victim. Tell me that wasn't rigged. After that debate where his potato was on full display. I guess wait and see what comes out in the wash. There is a website set up by the true the vote, the 2000 mules people to report dodgy goings on and they had near thousands of reports from across the country half way through the day and they have lawyers all over the country ready to deal with the complaints.

shinymetal said:
Trump will win for sure in 2024, he won 2020 it's a matter of stopping the fraud than getting more votes.
I was watching a bunch of different streams today and there obvious signs of fuckery, and I can only assume there will be legal challenges, and they have to count votes for 3 days or however long they reckon it's going to take.
Fetterman won? The guy is (no offence) mentally defective stroke victim. Tell me that wasn't rigged. After that debate where his potato was on full display. I guess wait and see what comes out in the wash. There is a website set up by the true the vote, the 2000 mules people to report dodgy goings on and they had near thousands of reports from across the country half way through the day and they have lawyers all over the country ready to deal with the complaints.

yes i watched it too, Im very engaged in American politics, Im not saying there wasnt fuckery going on.
Point to where i said there wasnt?

but he will not win in 2024, he is now a distraction.

what you underestimate and what the dems know and fully understand, People dont watch debates, they dont watch politics, so yes you can have a retard who need a screen to read out replies in a debate, or an old guy with dementia, they can put it all over the tv, all over the papers, doesnt matter, people dont read it. only the political nerds like us who do, the rest dont care.
They get their politics from a fucken meme on tiktok. so if the meme says vote retarded guy who cant debate, they will vote for that guy. Dems fucken had videos of them selves dancing like muppets on tiktok, they went viral, and those muppets won.
years gone by that wouldnt have worked but you havent figured out the world is stupid. Trump hasnt figured that out, his tactic hasnt changed, he is playing the same game he played in 2016 and hasnt changed. Im not saying he should dance on tiktok, thats not what im saying but he needs a new tactic to get to the idiots. Its like a quarterback who made a successful play but then started playing the same play game, after game, after game.  Not adapting when the other team changes tactic.

as for doctor Oz, I didnt particularly think he was that strong of a performer, obviously the retarded cave man should have lost but i didnt think oz went that hard.
Oz did act like he had it in the bag from day one, he never put a finishing move on Fetterman who has been popular for what ever reason.
I think Oz was a pretty ordinary of a choice.
Herschel Walker was a shit choice also, he really didnt do much, I think he thought his celebrity status was enough, I think if he put a bit more fight in he might be ahead not some super tight race. so these werent great candidates trump put forward
you got to admit Oz and Walker were fairly rubbish Candidates

compared to DeSantis, in a swing seat up 20points
Fetterman didn't win because he got more votes, it's obvious it was cheating, yea Oz wasn't the best choice but still it has to be rigged for a retard to win.
Kerry Lake was way ahead in the polls like 10-15 ahead and them lost? gotta be rigged, and so much that I am only left to assume they rigged it so hard to make people mad in the hopes that someone lashes out and they can point at them and say "LOOK AT THESE CRAZY RACIST REPUBLICAN TERRORIST!!" and if nobody does anything, they wont. they'll just have one of their own people put a maga hat on and do it.
You keep going back to Trump can't win, I assume you mean doesn't have the votes, that isn't true he absolutely has the votes, he won 2020. Oo way Biden got 81 million votes, that's a joke. In time it will be overturned. Once the election is overturned the masses will be forced to accept the truth.

shinymetal said:
Fetterman didn't win because he got more votes, it's obvious it was cheating, yea Oz wasn't the best choice but still it has to be rigged for a retard to win.
Kerry Lake was way ahead in the polls like 10-15 ahead and them lost? gotta be rigged, and so much that I am only left to assume they rigged it so hard to make people mad in the hopes that someone lashes out and they can point at them and say "LOOK AT THESE CRAZY RACIST REPUBLICAN TERRORIST!!" and if nobody does anything, they wont. they'll just have one of their own people put a maga hat on and do it.
You keep going back to Trump can't win, I assume you mean doesn't have the votes, that isn't true he absolutely has the votes, he won 2020. Oo way Biden got 81 million votes, that's a joke. In time it will be overturned. Once the election is overturned the masses will be forced to accept the truth.

your talking to me like im a democrat supporter. which im not.
its not about what we think its about what the general population thinks and they think trump lost in 2020 and he had a massive dummy spit about it, they wont need to rig the 2024 election as he is seen as damaged goods with swing voters. its about perception and the Don looks toast.
They beat him and yes it likely wasnt fair and sqaure but they beat him none the less, he isnt in the white house, im not saying their win is fair.
My argument is not that it was fair, my argument is he wont win

Honestly I think Desantis Knows how to beat them, they went hard after him he is up 20 points.
ill put $100 trump wont win in 2024 rigged or not.
Ill also put a $100 that if deSantis is the GOP candidate He will beat the Dems
After my betting in  2020 and Trump obviously winning and being rigged out of it, I'm not betting on rigged elections anymore.
I do however think you're absolutely mental if you believe Trunp won't win 2024.
I'll say it again, this whole Desantis thing is pointless and only leads to arguments and division.
shinymetal said:
After my betting in  2020 and Trump obviously winning and being rigged out of it, I'm not betting on rigged elections anymore.
I do however think you're absolutely mental if you believe Trunp won't win 2024.
I'll say it again, this whole Desantis thing is pointless and only leads to arguments and division.

the only way he has a chance is if the GOP takes the house and senate and they manage to launch those investigations and they can expose that corruption. other wise he will lose
It's already exposed.
The choice to know is an individuals.
The media won't cover it regardless.
The only way he loses is if it's rigged again, I doubted it could be last time and it wasn't without it being wildly obvious. I don't think they will get away with it again.
Desantis wouldn't be in the position the is without Trump building MAGA. He will have his turn after Trump.
Regardless Trump will be back before 2024 and be the candidate by default.
shinymetal said:
It's already exposed.
The choice to know is an individuals.
The media won't cover it regardless.
The only way he loses is if it's rigged again, I doubted it could be last time and it wasn't without it being wildly obvious. I don't think they will get away with it again.
Desantis wouldn't be in the position the is without Trump building MAGA. He will have his turn after Trump.
Regardless Trump will be back before 2024 and be the candidate by default.

Ok, Im not talking what you know or his close supporters know, its what the general population knows, in their minds he lost the election and he chucked a tanty about it. so they wont vote for him, thats what the stupid majority think.
So he looks soiled.
the only way it will be shown to them is if the GOP wins the house and senate and are in a position where they can call up people and order full inquiries into these claims and so its completely exposed to the general public.
thats what you keep over looking.
the general population in America do not think the election was rigged, his only hope is house and senate majority so the GOP can go over the Dems heads and start calling in people and expose the corruption. and im not sure thats going to happen.
this isnt about what is fair an unfair. Its about perception, he will not win the swing voters, and while his base is huge its not big enough that it doesnt need the swing voters. Like every politician they need the swing votes to drive home an election win. Trump is either liked or hated, there is no inbetween with Trump and thats a problem he faces.

but yes i agree he will be default candidate, but he will lose the election sadly.
Polls show more than half the country and groing thinks there was major fraud in the 2020 election, so on that you're wrong.
This Desantis thing is the new mainstream narrative.
It's Trump all the way baby.
Back before 2024 and winning again in 2024.


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shinymetal said:
Polls show more than half the country and groing thinks there was major fraud in the 2020 election, so on that you're wrong.
This Desantis thing is the new mainstream narrative.
It's Trump all the way baby.
Back before 2024 and winning again in 2024.

if your talking about the  Axios-Momentive polls that has been making the rounds, no its not the majority who think it was stolen,  im looking at it right now from the jan 2022
Sample size: 2,649
"(55%) accepts Joe Biden as having legitimately won the 2020 election, down slightly from 58% a year ago"

its shit sample size any ways.

AGAIN, im not saying it wasnt stolen, im saying its perceived by swing voters that it wasnt.

plus even still, there could definitely be people who beleive the election was stolen, and they hate Trump, so they dont actually care it was stolen,
so you need to take that into account. that also doesnt mean those who believe the election was stolen will automatically vote Trump, I know of people who think it was rigged, they hate Trump so they are happy it was rigged. which is insane but they are Socialist leaning so it makes sense they dont care about democracy. so some of those who believe it was rigged are rusted on Dem voters and they dont care that it was rigged as long as it was in their favor. Obviously more GOP voters think it was rigged, But again there are dem voters who are in those stats who will never vote Trump no matter what.

It would be completely foolish to think those who agree the system is rigged will automatically make them vote for Trump, some people dont care as long as the system is rigged inline with their political beliefs,
I can't remember the poll, it was a while ago, 30% Ds 80% Rs and 40% Ind thought there was significant fraud.
I'm on my phone atm I will try finding it later.
Or the poll that showed 44 percent think the government is controlled by a secret cabal.
The Desantis thing is a nothing burger he won't run, he hasn't mentioned anything about it, he just won an election, it's notjing but an MSM strategy against Trump. Like the rest of them it won't work.


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