
Australia to be "functionally cashless" by 2025

in the age of AI and robots
human hackers are tolerated, but the artificial ones are oily, meaning got cut to pieces and the oil leaking.
majority of people have submitted even before all this started, so it is a lost cause
keeping quiet with your junks are the safest
it will not be easy to convert physical into digital, when cashless system is built without physical conversion options

Aussies withdrew cash from an ATM 30,235,600 times in January (in seasonally adjusted terms), the greatest frequency since October 2022.

The total value of cash withdrawn was about $9.2 billion, which is the highest since July 2020, and the average amount withdrawn was $304.90, the highest since the reporting series began in March 2008.

This is in spite of the trend away from physical banks, with 11% of branches across Australia closing over the year to June 2023 according to APRA.

More than 164,000 Australians have now signed a petition from Cash Welcome calling for guarantees for "reasonable local access" to cash and banking services, and spokesperson Jason Bryce says this latest RBA data is proof that a cashless future is not what Aussies want.

"The increasing number of cash withdrawals is being made at a decreasing number of bank-owned ATMS, contradicting the commonly repeated bank claim that branches and ATM closures are caused by changing consumer demands," he said.


The West Australian Government is offering families a one-off cash payment. All you have to do to claim it is get a Digital ID.

The cost of living relief payment of $250 for each secondary student, and $150 for each primary student and kindergartener is intended to assist parents with purchasing school essentials.

But the payment is not means-tested, so rich and poor alike, if you have school-aged children, you can claim – provided you get a Digital ID and sign up for the government’s ServicesWA app.
I foresee a method similar to this being used to gain widespread adoption of digital IDs and CBDCs.

It would go a little something like this:

- Increase the cost of living significantly and wipe out the middle class
- get the average household so financially desperate they have no choice but to accept assistance from government
- make it a requirement to have a digital ID to receive financial support
- create an event that shocks the banking system
- Bail-in the people's money/currency
- roll out CBDC system as the government guarantee for the Bail-in, making financial recovery only payable in new CBDC system.
- Government steps in the save the day in the meantime (during the transition period) by implementing Universal Basic Income (UBI), requiring everyone to get a digital ID and enrol onto new CBDC system to receive UBI payments
- Everyone accepts the new system because they're too desperate and stupid to see that it was all by design

This could be done within 6-12 months of some staged financial crisis event. Before we know it, the new CBDC system would be a normal part of our everyday lives and same corporate scumbags that accommodate the COVID crises, vaccine passports and the lockdown bullshit would rush to implement a new hybrid payment system allowing for widespread acceptance of CBDCs (Think Woolworths, Bunnings, Kmart etc). Within a few years, the old currency, along with cash, will be phased out and become a distant memory of yesteryear. The new generation of sheeple won't know any difference and those who value freedom, privacy and sound money will become true relics of the past.
implementing Universal Basic Income (UBI)

I think a UBI will be the big draw-card into CBDC adoption. The number of people already relying on some form of gov handouts (by design) is staggering. Especially when you consider FTB where the gov takes it in one hand (income tax), then hands it back with the other.

All they'd really need to advance CBDC adoption is to pay gov employees, welfare recipients, and FTB in a CBDC. Like China is doing.

Public sector employees in the Chinese city of Changshu will start receiving their salaries in central bank digital currency (CBDC) next month, as China’s rollout of the financial technology continues apace.