
American Freedom Dollar


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Looking for information on the $10 American Freedom Dollar. I was told these were made to be competition to the NORFED, but that is all I could find out.
I have only saw a few of these in my life, and bought all of them, but without some background, I feel something is missing.
I emailed a mint or two asking if they knew who minted them, but no one ever replied, so not sure asking other mints would be worth the effort.
Anyone know anything about them, or someone I could ask?


Have you contacted the Sunshine Mint in the US? They are most likely the ones that minted these. Under the $10 Is that american freedom dollar.com?
Ron Goodger might know who commissioned these as he was RCO for liberty dollar and around at the time these were minted! Maybe send a picture in an email to him, he might be able to help. His email is below

LRGoodger *at* gmail *dot* com
Silver Soul said:
Under the $10 Is that american freedom dollar.com?
I had to use a magnifying glass, and still not clear, but does look like freedomdollar. com And not sure is that mint was one I emailed, but may do it again if I did. Thanks
Silver Soul said:
Ron Goodger might know who commissioned these as he was RCO for liberty dollar and around at the time these were minted! Maybe send a picture in an email to him, he might be able to help. His email is below

LRGoodger *at* gmail *dot* com
Thank you..
Silver Soul said:
Ron Goodger might know who commissioned these as he was RCO for liberty dollar and around at the time these were minted! Maybe send a picture in an email to him, he might be able to help. His email is below

LRGoodger *at* gmail *dot* com
Received a reply from Mr. Goodger, he knew nothing about them. Will contact Sunshine Mint and see if they can help.