
All you need to know about gold investing:

I love gold as a metal. I also love what it represents and it's history as money and as a tool for wealth preservation. But I don't love it as an investment.

The best thing going for Gold investment is also the biggest threat. You can piggy back off the demand of central banks, governments and other big fish but the market is dependant on the demand from these entities. Gold serves as an insurance policy for these entities and eventually there will be a point when they all seek to reduce their cover.

Anything that's needed, tangible and in demand will do well in a Currency Crisis scenario. But Gold may be the king of that hill when it comes to the biggest of fish scrambling to acquire as much as they can at once. But the opposite will also be true when they decide to feed it back into the market.
Gold is wealth and silver is currency.
Storing $100k in silver is a hassle.
Storing $100k in gold is a peace of cake.
As long as you have some of both you?ll be right
66rounds said:
Gold is wealth and silver is currency.
Storing $100k in silver is a hassle.
Storing $100k in gold is a peace of cake.
As long as you have some of both you?ll be right

I'm hoping one day saving $100K in silver isn't a hassle. Without the assistance of hyperinflation, of course!

Shlomo Goldberg said:
Gold drives me to save real money & become my own bank.

That's one of the best features for someone like me. PM's really help contain my impulsive and frivolous spending. Both are very liquid, so it always feels like it's available if needed but not quite available enough to throw it around like digital illusions or cash.

Would you say Gold is more liquid than Silver overall? I think silver has the fractional edge on gold. It's disadvantages of being cumbersome to store in large quantities is also it's advantage when it comes to liquidity for 10ozs and under.
66rounds said:
Gold is wealth and silver is currency.
Storing $100k in silver is a hassle.
Storing $100k in gold is a peace of cake.
As long as you have some of both you?ll be right

Driving along talking to myself & came up with a variation.
Paper is for the worker bee.
Silver is for the queen bee &
Gold is for the bee keeper.
A reasonable assessment of societal structure.
When the USD collapses.  Let's see what the new world currency values gold and silver  ;) USD is toilet paper,  and a lot of nations are done with it.  I can't wait  8)