
$2 coins coloured


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Alright, i get a tonne of these throuh my business, some times I pull them out before they go to the bank, especially if they look new.
Any one who collects these?
besides the red poppies what ones are actually worth more than face value in circulated coins?
I adore them. I'm like a bowerbird ready to pounce on any I see  ;D my aim is to stack heaps of them then dig a big hole in the middle of dumbfuck , so in what ever time frame someone finds them in this earth time frame they make billions from the stash finding them.
Silver Soul said:
I adore them. I'm like a bowerbird ready to pounce on any I see  ;D my aim is to stack heaps of them then dig a big hole in the middle of dumbfuck , so in what ever time frame someone finds them in this earth time frame they make billions from the stash finding them.

I used to pull them all out, but Id fill an icecream container a week with coloured coins, i get so many i dont have time to noodle through them so they end up in the bank. I pull some out, maybe 1 out of every $1k of them i see.
there are so many different ones now i cant keep track of whats worth money or not,
ive had a few red poppies which is about all i look out for, but some one said those purple coronation coins are worth money now, dam ive put so many of those in the bank over the years lol.
so maybe i should find out, im not a modern coin collector so they didnt interest me that much to research them
I grab them out whenever I come across them..
As for the good ones, the purple coronation is going for a few hundred, and the green rememberence 2014 one is going for a bit as well, not as much as the coronation or poppy but more than the wiggles or Olympic ones.
I want to bury a stash in the ground of colour coins  so in 2000 year's from now some little hope kid gets very rich from their find
shinymetal said:
I grab them out whenever I come across them..
As for the good ones, the purple coronation is going for a few hundred, and the green rememberence 2014 one is going for a bit as well, not as much as the coronation or rememberence but more than the wiggles or Olympic ones.

Omg id hate to think how many of those green remembrance and purple coronation coins ive let slide to the bank, this is a laundromat i own which only takes coins, so use your imagination on how many $2 coins i see each week lol.
Im just so damn busy, time to noodle is a problem

Ive even had round 50cent coins  in the vending machines, I programed the mech to accept them, and ive seen two maybe three in the last few years. id imagine they thought they were 20 cent coins, from grandpa's coin tin lol