He's got almost a 4hr piece on majority of he's ideas and beliefs thats a big chunk to watch all at once but imo very well explained and intriguing :) some of he's videos were awesome extremely well put together most good ones gone but some channels putting out some old content that remains. He...
Chris earlier content was great he woke up alot of people and explained crucial details well on range of subjects. Went to extremes and got banned unfortunately but left a mark in stacking world with he's ideas and he's legacy of coins :)
Ties in with some of the information, you speak of STKR...i think you probably have a better idea then most on subject of stockpiles,etc your research and knowledge is impressive as always :) been looking into some trading but so far only junior miners on asx as wall street i believe is only...
While all the fundamentals are there and we see and know most of them AG is also the most pumped of all metals. Occasionally go on and read the comments especially on the big silver pumping channels...the expectations are ridiculous-1:1 gold, $1000usd,etc crazy shit from people...
Bah...whole system is a self serving sick joke, once we had more options and got actual service now we pay more for everything to be reminded were slaves or so restricted in actual options. We pay them! Signed up to telstra afew mths back for them to tell me they need to do a credit check and go...
Cannington and s32 had decent mine but reserves possibly running low and bhp and olympic, slv-silver mines desposit been doing shit all for years but they have large area in nsw i believe
Looking for fractional gold panda up to 1/4oz to add to my modest collection preferably 80s models but any accepted that arent duplicates. PM please if any interest in making a deal, also listed on SS thankyou :)
There's merit in any set or type of facts someone wants to analyse and from those facts we as individuals define our own truth, in this world but the truth and facts may not come to pass in reality thats my 80oz of silver or 1oz gold worth
People hesitate to buy gold when its breached ATH several times but silver even though still below pay premium before,massive potential but hasnt reached previous peaks yet and when it does how many will hesitate to buy? ...many already do as waiting on it to do what it usually does, recede and...
We all know this and i know shit all compared to vast majority of you...But i do know world we live in well enough, a world of manipulated facts,figures and control. And im much more skeptical then naive, why would freedom be given...why would so much AG be sold at such reduced cost, in huge...
General information but probably not directly answering your ? While not as much industrial demand as silver imo (very amateur one) over time much room to grow and given was once twice price of gold, its rarity,etc im liking it as an outlier for metals and contarian play
Your an excellent source of relevant information and have educated my ignorant self on several matters thankyou. Its great to see some momentum and stackers excited again bout AG im "weighted" towards gold and lately platinum more so then silver and prefer condensed portable metals but when...
Possibly...but how much patience? Silver stackers have beards of silver,loads so heavy can barely carry them and decades of false promises and hope...its price it was while back least gold has reached its ATH again and surpassed it, problem is no one want to buy, just silver at premium adding to...
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