Mark Valek - Insidious Lure of Money Printing is Once Again Leading Us Towards Collapse
In Gold We Trust report:
Discussed in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
01:20 New world order rising
08:16 EU high inflation an everyday topic
14:03 Rome's currency debasement
17:40 Will we come to bartering again?
20:56 Gold still in a bull market?
26:21 No recovery from Great Financial Crisis?
34:25 More companies hold gold in reserves?
40:57 Gold and bitcoin
In Gold We Trust report:
Discussed in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
01:20 New world order rising
08:16 EU high inflation an everyday topic
14:03 Rome's currency debasement
17:40 Will we come to bartering again?
20:56 Gold still in a bull market?
26:21 No recovery from Great Financial Crisis?
34:25 More companies hold gold in reserves?
40:57 Gold and bitcoin