
Gold Revaluation To $142,000 Will Avert The Debt Crisis

No... It did break 33...let me guess, the goal posts have changed...just like when it breaks 30 it wont stop...but it did, so 33 became the new 30.
When the same masters who mint our metals and value them (yet oddly have stopped paying miners) decide to slaughter more people in the middle east while draining the west and further creating the convergence of a one world militarised communist state, then no doubt metals will rise as the pentagram worshipping poofters wallow in their barbarism, with their barbaric metals. Its happened a few times over. Im over it. Ive decided to stack japanese ciggarettes and bulk galvanised screws.
stack cherry bloossoom
^^^^ I do know what their meaning is for good health , longevity, wealth and honour yah mates when you crack a nut. All in a nut shell 😀
This peanut pendant represents good fortune and fertility. Peanuts are a popular charm and gift in Chinese culture, and they are often given as a wedding offering as the term "peanut" in Chinese means "to give birth to."…
Andy Schmleptman and Armstrong are arguing whether its 420 or 42,000 per silveroo coin.
Either way your friendly local dealer wont recognise that spot for another 12 months and would never buy from you at anything remotely near.
Best start burying everything.
I like what armstrong has to say about asset ownership and how the central bank goon sqaud formerly refered to as govt. will weaponise society against each other to seize all they can.
Scavenger mode.
Anything is possible in a war climate. Don't laugh at predictions. Tariffs are economic war too and America will bleed out like a stuck pig.
My scientific process involved pulling two numbers associated with memes/jokes and mashing them together. It was a joke. I posted a more serious thought on the issue about a year ago:
