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  1. shinymetal


  2. shinymetal


    I'd be demanding genetic testing. "She's" clearly a dude.
  3. shinymetal


  4. shinymetal


  5. shinymetal


  6. shinymetal

    Prize Silveroos Treasure Map #22

    Nope, I was wrong. damn it. Haha
  7. shinymetal

    Prize Silveroos Treasure Map #22

    Pick a tile, move 4 to the left. I'm gunna win this first try.
  8. shinymetal


  9. shinymetal


  10. shinymetal

    New Trump Round?

    Ooh, I didn't even think people would want matching numbers, if whoever has #17 roo wants #17 Trump, no worries. I don't even know what roos I have.
  11. shinymetal

    New Trump Round?

    I'll take #17 ;)
  12. shinymetal

    New Trump Round?

    Because Trump started a bunch of wars? Yes he used the military to end ISIS, was that a bad thing? Warpspeed ended the lockdowns, they were going to lock the world down until a jab was ready and initial estimates were that would take 5 years. warpspeed wrecked that plan. It wasn't Trump that...
  13. shinymetal

    Japanese Market Crash!

    What caused this and happens when the US market opens?
  14. shinymetal

    Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots fired at rally

    I've thought something like, Trump and team knew about a real assanianation attempt and rather than stopping it, countered it with what we saw, the investigation into it will find the plan on Trumps life, but not Trumps counter.
  15. shinymetal

    Silver Price Watch

    How will the markets react to the attempted assassination?
  16. shinymetal

    Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots fired at rally

    I'm so fucking, don't know how to feel... happy he's alive. Hoping they got the shooter, hoping this doesn't devolve into civil war. But wow, what a historical day.
  17. shinymetal

    Silver Price Watch

    It's best to ignore the youtuber fomo hype. I just generally think it will go up, I'm over predictions, but saying that STKR seems to have an amazing skill at fortune telling.
  18. shinymetal

    Please explain! - Robert Irwin threatens to sue over cartoon

    He can threaten all he wants, there is no chance of being successful.
  19. shinymetal


  20. shinymetal


    This happened just now. Hot off the presses.