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  1. Serial

    Gold FS - 1/10 gold coin collection

    Yeah, spot is way up, wish I had kept all my gold from 2012. Have to put on ebay it seems
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    Silver Price Watch

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    Gold FS - 1/10 gold coin collection

    So I have a bunch of 1/10 gold coins issued in a box set called "magnificent 10" Each coin is immaculate in a special square capsule and as good as they get. Prices as follows are plus postage at buyers cost/choice/risk 1. 2014 mexico libertard - $550 2. 2014 Isle of Man Angel -$480 3. 2014...
  4. Serial

    Silver FS - Pristine type b perth mint 10oz silver bar!

    So i have a 1 owner (2 if you count me) absolutely immaculate 10oz type b. rare to see one in this condition with a perfect Perth mint stamp Best i have seen and only $1k + postage at buyers cost/choice/risk
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    Silver Price Watch

    Which would mean they could nullify the us elections rather than risk a trading of power during a war.
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    Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots fired at rally

    Ok, so that's one opinion However it works on the premise that they organised to clip his ear from a distance whilst he was moving his head around. Had he moved his head a fraction later his skull would have split in half But no you believe it's "faked"
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    Virus Outbreak

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    $̴3̴2̴0̴0̴ $̴3̴50̴0̴ $3̴90̴0̴ $400̴0̴ $410̴0̴ $4200 Gold!

    Weird to think it was a few weeks ago I couldn't sell a vintage 1oz perth mint bar on bail for $3500 Glad that people didn't buy it
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    Silver Fs 1966 round 50s $18 each

    i only have delete thread, weird
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    Silver Fs 1966 round 50s $18 each

    how do you modify title of thread?
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    Silver Fs 1966 round 50s $18 each

    Price drop $17.50 each
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    Silver Fs 1966 round 50s $18 each

    Bump inviting offers
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    The $50+ Silver Thread

    i get the idea shineymetal, but you have the seek balance in life dont die with lotsa money for the gov to steal
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    and people with money have the greatest mobility
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    $̴3̴2̴0̴0̴ $̴3̴50̴0̴ $3̴90̴0̴ $400̴0̴ $410̴0̴ $4200 Gold!

    No, because it has hit that
  16. Serial

    Silver Fs 1966 round 50s $18 each

    Buy all of these today and get free postage up to the value of 2x express post bags
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    Silver Price Watch

    Silver is silver is silver Alot of silver and gold is going to melt. I have a beautiful gold watch on death row atm
  18. Serial

    Silver Price Watch

    Lol won't someone think of all the antique silverware I'm gonna smash up and refine!! I've already started 😆