I wish Schiff would shut the fuck up. Everytime he opens his yapper we get a dive in metals.
Or maybe he should start a 24/7 live talk show so we can back up the truck
Yes I am concerned about a real viral outbreak or even biowarfare in WW3 that will go unbelieved by the masses and thus lead to unnecessary loss of life due to all these fake pandemics
All scales are balanced by the One and only King, and Kissinger will be getting a prelude to his eternity right now in that tight patch of dirt he lays in.
Don’t be fooled by this man’s Malcolm X-Esque style. He killed a man, was jailed, and then suddenly released into the world as a mouth piece for MBZ of the UAE.
He literally went from being anti gulf states to being their favourite mouthpiece overnight.
Just another sell out pushing for...
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