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  1. Shlomo Goldberg

    Children paying the price for the sins of the father?

    SA Gestapo heads son dies in car accident at schoolies. WA politicians daughter fucked up by the experimental drugs pushed by the mother Joel fitzgibbons son died in parachute jump Karma?
  2. Shlomo Goldberg


    Barney Joyce asks himself that question every other day
  3. Shlomo Goldberg


    The above is absolutely not guaranteed. Eg: A ninety year old albanese will still be a fuckwit trapped in an old nerds body. Despite desperately trying to become cool &/or relevant, he will die a desperate fuckwit.
  4. Shlomo Goldberg

    Daily Dose of WTF?

    Today the German federal health minister is saying that the German health system should prepare for war.
  5. Shlomo Goldberg

    Fake News Curated by the Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control the News C

    Trudeaus panic is a good sign. The words of James Corbett ring true- “We are the media”. https://www.rt.com/news/592897-justin-trudeau-mainstream-media/
  6. Shlomo Goldberg


    Nietcshe taught anything other than water is superfluous to sustenance
  7. Shlomo Goldberg

    The CBDC Indoctrination Has Begun

    Pondering what is in effect the proposed “cash ban”. We saw the subordination of government to the corporation during the Covid program. The government allowed the constitution to be circumvented by corporations rather than punish the corporations. The same type of thing is happening again re...
  8. Shlomo Goldberg

    Blast from the past

  9. Shlomo Goldberg

    Silver optimism

    Despite the 100 odd year gap, the Australian Constitution mirrors the US RE: money.
  10. Shlomo Goldberg


    Hamas is an Israeli Trojan horse created by Israel to split PLO support- divide & conquer.
  11. Shlomo Goldberg

    Cool Sh!t

  12. Shlomo Goldberg

    Bitcoin ETFs approved in US, ASX to follow

  13. Shlomo Goldberg

    Sale or Barter Goods for barter thread (January 2024)

    Happy new year Roos. WTT: my sovereign +- for your 9 ft 5wt Sage or Loomis fly rod. Please PM. I maybe open to other suggestions & offers.
  14. Shlomo Goldberg

    Political JOTD

  15. Shlomo Goldberg

    The Mandela Effect

    When a village is bulldozed to oblivion & trees are planted where it once stood, soon the village was just a figment of imagination
  16. Shlomo Goldberg

    Political JOTD

  17. Shlomo Goldberg

    Blast from the past

    Wie wuz just ironing out zee bugs mit our little hozen und zings got a little crazy
  18. Shlomo Goldberg

    RIP John Pilger

  19. Shlomo Goldberg


    The cornea joke was bad but the German jokes are the wurst