better to know the background, its not likely for most people to be buying at the bottom, that bottom belongs to Mr Brown, who was a SELLER
why are people not buying at that time when price was $250, looking back...most people who own gold before that, they were in a 20 years of BEAR market.
Digital or not, its a block chains system that promote transparancy in commodities markets for its members, and free from manipulations. The opposite of current corrupt system and manipulated silver price :)
The amount of frozen Russian assets in the Netherlands has decreased almost sevenfold – De TelegraafAccording to the publication’s source, as of July 1 of this year, this number was 97.2 million euros, which is significantly lower than the 660 million euros – the total amount of blocked assets...
iphone will look for you every 3 seconds, spying on you
your EV will even sold you out
AI can be fooled into disclosing info
when your cameras can see you, others also can see
JUST IN: Netanyahu Proposes Changing Israel’s Declaration of War Name from "Iron Swords" to "Apocalypse War" - Channel 12They can only change names now
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