
Recent content by Real $ Return

  1. Real $ Return

    Tariff War

    Haha i like how bluntly and clear spoken most are here no bullshit just straight up, mostly people now hide pretence behind other motivations,bury there head in the sand or are so distracted by social media and bullshit scrolling like zombies being hacked and tracked following trends that in...
  2. Real $ Return

    Silver Price Watch

    Been keeping a lazy eye/ear open i see Trumps put 25% Tariffs on Mexico...does this include theyre silver they buy off them? Prob not but could be interesting if so.Happy bought in gold heavy with what fiat had afew years ago as on somewhat limited budget be holding not buying for awhile got...
  3. Real $ Return

    Fort Knox and the US Federal Reserve

    Haha thats Gold :)
  4. Real $ Return

    What is going on with silver?

    Agreed, sorry wasnt meaning offence in anyway shape or form just rambling on as usual ;) the price rise over time been nice to see was my vague point
  5. Real $ Return

    What is going on with silver?

    This comment, relevant again and again...Good to see price last few years :) $37/$3100 Metals doing their Job.
  6. Real $ Return

    Gold Revaluation To $142,000 Will Avert The Debt Crisis

    "Unlike most countries, the U.S.’s gold is held by the government directly rather than the Federal Reserve" why wouldnt they trust the Fed hey? ;) Diff assets but similiar principals...If BTC can blow up why not gold/silver? And platinum that Dark horse will rise again some day :)
  7. Real $ Return

    Political JOTD

    Haha poor guy needs another run hey? Great for PMs :)
  8. Real $ Return

    Merry Bloody Xmas

    Great random memory mate :)
  9. Real $ Return

    Merry Bloody Xmas

    Not sure where to put this so random spot will do ;) All the best to the stackers one and all. Appreciate the Forum and the perspectives from more experienced and intelligent people its a privilege to learn and read opinions and insight from you and people who share similar mindsets...as they...
  10. Real $ Return

    Silver Price Watch

    Haha true one can hold in one hand the other we need a backpack :)
  11. Real $ Return

    Silver Price Watch

    Silver will have its day...when no one knows as any sort of logic/reason or reality seems to mean shit all imo. Agree on BTC but its got the backing the pushed agenda...and has toppled silvers marketcap in mere years. Im old school Metals and some stocks, if have to much metals i worry even...
  12. Real $ Return

    Silver Price Watch

    My prediction...in 50 years there'll be a single piece of silver left standing and it will be at $50 Usd finally!!! While 1 trillionith of a BTC will cost the same :( its a shitshow and all we can do is watch ;)
  13. Real $ Return


    Random and bit funny :) the worlds gone to shit and can see and feel that but gotta get a silly laugh in where we can. Appreciate the perspectives and articles You provide at times mate,same with other guys in usa,etc as it shows opinions n ideas outside of Aus. Im ignorant as shit n rave on...
  14. Real $ Return


    Were taught nothing of genuine use or given tools to better ourselves or those around us efficient effective consumers feeding the system powering profits for others while without original unregurgitated thought we cant get ahead. Luckily some of our parents taught us to think n ? And also...
  15. Real $ Return

    Daily Dose of WTF?

    Good time to buy temp weakness in consumer staples. Scumbag aussie monoplies are raping us $ wise and every other way they can...supermarkets,power companies,banks,etc cant beat the pricks join em and share some of the ill gotten gains some dividends and more ammo for PMs